Monday, September 26, 2011

What does Faith mean to you?

As I am sitting here in a wonderful little coffee shop and should be actually writing those mails, marketing my little EFT=Emotional Freedom Technique endower here in our new home.
Am thinking, how far I have come the past few weeks and about the driving force which got me here.
This short word, has a powerful energy in it, behind it and surrounding it. It comes straight from the Source, God or what other name you want to give it or you believe in it.
Faith is more than just this five letter word. It is a feeling of trust and love and inner knowing.
It is an energy making you grow wings and helps move the mountains and make your dreams come true. It allows you to surrender and be in the now. The moment which keeps you in a serene state of heart and mind. It helps you make choices, which others not feeling faith will never understand. Allow you to walk your path with eyes closed and achieve things, beyond anything you have imagined.
With faith comes trust, that all is well and will be well. It will give you the security, that all your TRUE needs are met. For example, you will have sufficient food and a vehicle. Perhaps not the SUV right now you want, but four wheels taking you, where ever you need to be.
Trust in your own abilities, you already know you have and trust that you will have further abilities to take you there where you want to be.

Trust and faith, that where you are right now is the place you have to be. Often we humans tend not to learn our lesson with out pain inflicted. Yes it is rather sad, but hej – it is as it is. Surrender to it and again TRUST, that it shall pass. By surrendering and being in the now, there is no rush. You can sit back, enjoy your coffee (as I do) and let opportunities knock on your door. You will have the peace within, to actually see them and feel if it is right for you.
You will be able to say NO, should something not feel right to you. Knowing and trusting, that a new better opportunity will present itself. There is no need for desperation acts.
Within this vibration, there is no space for good old ego nor the old habit of being fearful. It allows you at all times to be at peace and allows to be still and be love. Have compassion. Imagine yourself as being an astronaut on Moon and walk in the air with a huge grin on your face and in slow motion.
No rush ….. hehehe …. you will get there. In YOUR own time.
Faith is a great thing. As you can see, it is not just a word. Faith needs to be cultivated, believed in and seeded into your heart. It needs to be felt with each cell of your physical body. Let it fill your lungs with every breath you taking and become a part of you. Faith and trust CANNOT be faked.

I will now love and leave you. Have my little sandwich with my coffee and sit back and smile. As I have received a call (which I have received whilst writing this words) for perhaps a business opportunity. See? It works like magic, this trust and faith. And it is 11:11 am, what more do I want?
Have faith and trust that all is in divine order and we are well on our way.
In love and light
D xox

 All Rights reserved by Artist. Copyright protected.


  1. Blessed love to you...

    Isis and selah

  2. Diana, That was Awesome! I can so relate with what you wrote and explained so perfectly...."Faith" I look at it as the pilot light of our soul, always burning, so we don't forget our passion, which makes what you said here really hit home..."It helps you make choices, which others not feeling faith will never understand" Great Post, Love it! Willaim

  3. Yes,I believe in what you want to say.Faith is a system which relate us with god and produce peace,harmony,love and everything.

  4. William thank you so much for your wonderful message :)
    @Vijaybani, so agree with you. Even today again, when a slight tendency of fear comes up. I am going to the quiet place within and let fear go. And one can truly say, seconds after that...opportunities come up :)
    Stay calm and in peace and have Faith
    Blessings your way Vijaybani

    @ Isis and Selah...belssings your way.

    Much love and thanks for reading
    D xox
