
Some days it is just too much
This game of illusion
This walking amongst those asleep
I am grateful for all the beauty
The creations of nature
This is what keeps me sane

But most of all?
It is the moments I sneak away
Hide behind my closed eyes
Am between the thoughts
And go

Drop this physical body
Let my whole me emerge
Oh ~ free of being stuck inside
So much more space
Hahaha, even my wings are flapping again

Am sneaking off home
For only a few split seconds
Feeling the purity of love
Taking it all in
Just for a few seconds

Yes ~ now I can go back
Play this game of illusion
Walk amongst those asleep
Touching hearts and loving it all
Because I know
I just need to close my eyes and sneak back home
© Diana Prins 2011


I was driving my way home.
Driving to my sacred place.
Up the pass into the mountains
As you knew mother I would need  peace
You have send my friends the clouds

Driving further and higher
You send them my way
To make my worries disappear
Keep me safe from the outer world
Hush me in the cozy comfort of not being seen.

As the clouds close down behind me
I can see them silently appearing
Like a tick fluffy blanket
Wrapping the road and cars.
Nothing left ~ all gone

How the wind is gently guiding them
Up the mountain they go.
Leaving just the very top in the bright sun
And yet so silent
Forever changing and chasing

Fine almost dusty drops
Pure like creation itself
I have to stop
Feeling them on my face
Caressing me gently

Oh my heart is in an overdrive
Like a child on Christmas
I am so grateful
By just watching them I am dissolving
And for just a few moments
I am a cloud and running up my mountains
© Diana Prins 2011

You came to see
You came to take back ~ what you thought is yours
You came to take back ~ this incredible being

This being has turned into something you want
It is yours ~ you think

You say ~ you need her
You say ~ you love her
You say ~ it will never happen again

What you see ~ is beyond what you imagined
And as you plea and cry
She knows ~ that she has forgiven you
She knows ~ that she is happy where she is now
And as you look into her eyes
Your tears dry
And you know ~ she will never return
© Diana Prins 2011

How long is a moment
NOW - and it is gone
Open your eyes, open your heart
Feel it, see it, taste it
How precious are those moments
As quick as they here - as quickly gone
Stand still, arms open wide
Embrace it, enjoy it, be grateful for it
Each moment creates new opportunities
A gift from us to us
To live, to learn, to grow, to love
So see them, hold them, grab them
Then let them go to unfold and
become what they meant to be
© Diana Prins 2011

There is this emptiness
Nothing than - emptiness
A disbelief of something I already knew
Your true face? I know
Your empty words? I know

Why I perhaps believed you?
Because I believe - in yet giving another chance
Because I believe - there is good in everybody
Because I believe - in love and humanity

There is this emptiness
Nothing than - sadness
A sadness that I will have to let go
Let go of this smallest chance of understanding
Between you and I

Me leaving - was not about you losing love
It is losing power - over me that I gave you
A power, which was always an illusion
But thank you

I will still believe
Because - I love and can forgive
Because - I know that there is good
Because - I know that there is love in this world
© Diana Prins 2011

Oh what a feeling it is
How must I describe it?
The feeling of remembering
It is pure bliss

Kind of joy, laughter and tears all together
A laughing out loud and stillness
Wanting to dance and stand still
At the same time

Seeing roads, houses, trees and people
In a new light
Old is new
Those seconds lasting longer and longer

Breathing in the sweet scent of life
Diving into all that is
Rising and merging
I am that I am

Feeling who I truly am
I am love and a divine part
On this ultimate journey
Yes - this is how I would describe it
© Diana Prins 2011

Where am I now
Who am I now
A raw feeling
Stirred like sand in the water

Motions up and down
Like the sea
This kind of pain
Making me feel alive and sore

Do not know where to go
Mixed up
Let me be a leaf
A leaf in the wind

Following blindly
A path preset and yet unknown
No more pain
No questions open

A deep feeling
A deep connection
Is it love or habit?
Let me be a leaf

Carry me away
To a destiny known by my heart
The path not visible yet
Trusting it is all good

Perhaps one day
Once the wounds have healed
Perhaps once your soul has awakened
And our souls can fly together
© Diana Prins 2011

How I love them ~ words
Written from the heart and soul
Some days my hand cannot keep up
The flow of words is steady

I am grateful for this gift
A friend ~ always there
In wonderful moments of life
And times of tears and pain

Especially these moments
Allow my heart to overflow
Turn the pain into beauty
Bitter sweet letting go

Moments of laughter and joy
Allow my pen to dance on the paper
Seducing in taking part again
Like a dance through a field of flowers

Learning, growing and flying
By filling page after page
With laughter and tears ~ memories of mine
Thank you for allowing to share my heart
© Diana Prins 2011

Tears of sadness
Streaming down my face
Grieving deeply

You came!
Moments and memories of joy, create new
Almost like dreaming

This is it!
It should have always been this way
Our two worlds merged as one

I am confused!
Between still hoping and knowing.
What is now real?

You left again!
Returned to your world
Which used to be mine

Yes - I lived there too
A place, filled with tears and closed hearts
It seems so long ago

Here I am
My world - filled with peace and love
My dream is my life

A smile through my tears
I have become myself - through you
Thank you
© Diana Prins 2011

Never again I want to feel this way again
Being imprisoned by my own fears
Being captured and held by fears of others

Never again this pain of not knowing where to go
What to see and to live
And not to know love and peace

This freedom rising inside of me
Each morning
The smile life creates on my face

Love surrounding me, each step am taking
My faith ~ my companion
Blissful moments of great understanding

This is what I want my life to be
A melody carried around the world
A song of love
© Diana Prins 2011
You say others are angry of what and who you are
And yet you lash out in anger t...

You say others are judging you in not knowing
And yet you are lashing out in judgment too

You say others are do not care
and yet you not caring about the words you speak out

Close your eyes and listen to your heart
It is beating just as mine and everybody else's

Allow love and peace resonate within you
Then you will celebrate diversity for what it is

Only by walking your truth my dear friend
Others will follow and give respect

But walking your truth in peace and love
You will create a new world for you and us all

Turn away from those judging
As they come from fear

Do not feed their fear and fall in their trap
As this will take you back into the dark

Be who you are in love and peace
And rise above it all
© Diana Prins 2011
You say others are angry of what and who you are
And yet you lash out in anger t...

You say others are judging you in not knowing
And yet you are lashing out in judgment too

You say others are do not care
and yet you not caring about the words you speak out

Close your eyes and listen to your heart
It is beating just as mine and everybody else's

Allow love and peace resonate within you
Then you will celebrate diversity for what it is

Only by walking your truth my dear friend
Others will follow and give respect

But walking your truth in peace and love
You will create a new world for you and us all

Turn away from those judging
As they come from fear

Do not feed their fear and fall in their trap
As this will take you back into the dark

Be who you are in love and peace
And rise above it all
© Diana Prins 2011