Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let go of the old core belief

THIS ~~~~ has been a major thing for me, and let me explain to you why. Because, once released - you live truly happily ever after.
As you all know, on this wonderful journey, we meeting and greeting people and situations in our lives to learn, grow, become aware, accept, allow and let go (lots of let go).
Good things and not so good things or challenges will give us the ride of our lives.

Now how sometimes, it all seem just so unfair and things are getting worse and worse instead of better?

Hej, take it with a pinch of salt, this is Universe handing you another opportunity to RELEASE!We as humans on this journey tend to re-create situations, which make us feel the way we used too. Sadly it is often not so nice and I would like to call it, just for this time---suffering.

Imagine, you are a small child and have had a rough upbringing or a rough experience, which shaped your belief system. Your fear. Lets say for instance, your parents never had time for you, no matter what you did. You always felt not good enough for receiving their love. This now, is one of your core beliefs and fears.
Not being good enough to be loved and love.
What will happen now, that you will carry THIS feeling of knowing and understanding throughout your life and will create all the time situations to feel this way. Comfort the pain we know. With years going by, of course your physical body will start too, showing strain. Giving you signs of discomfort and wanting you to become aware of the suffering within. Some bodies go so far, that one has no more control over the weight, the stomach has ulcers and and and.
No matter what you will touch in your life, subconsciously you will sabotage it already from the beginning.
Yes, this is how it works. Like Shrek said: We are like onions ~ have many layers.

Now what can you do to get hold of this fear? Easy ~ start your journey of becoming aware. Remembering who you truly are.
Knowing, that this too shall pass (oh man, now I said it myself LOL)
Along on your journey, you will invited people and situations into your life, which will assist you in getting down to the nitty gritty and be able to release those fears. There too, are wonderful techniques such as EFT/Tapping for example.
And yes, these fears and old thoughts are nothing else, than an illusion. It can be changed, as quickly as you breath out.

Once you have let this go and are aware for what it is, your life will change almost in an instant.
Physical pains will disappear, your weight might just sort itself out. You will be able to see life in a very very different way and be able to make better choices. For yourself and for all of us.
No more fear and no more darkness.

Love yourself and open up to all those opportunities around you.
We are here to assist and we are here to path the way.

In love, light and lightness
D xox

All Rights Reserved By Artist. Copyright Protected 2011 Diana Prins


  1. This was very good. I mean about the people and situations that are attracted into our lives to teach us something. So maybe if we are attracting less of these difficult situations, then maybe we are more evolved?

  2. Dear Heather, thank you for reading.
    By becoming aware, why certain "sufferings" re-appear in your life, you can let them go.
    Then you will choose automatically, to have a life filled with good things and nice people. You will handle challenges differently too and live a mindful life.
    We evolving, as you call it, with each lesson we learn and let go, whith each loving moment we have. As all experiences expand our knowledge and wisdom. :)
    Sending you lots of love and light.
    D xox
