I wonder if I must put a disclaimer right here on top or on the bottom after I have written down my thoughts…mmmhhhh
Since lately my vision becomes clearer and clearer and old beliefs and therefore separation in various areas of our lives, are SO in my face.
One was a topic of a discussion at a braai (barbecue) the other night.
Why men need to (want to) have sex every night and why women don’t.
Please be aware, I am now here generalizing!!!
Let me start with men.
I have been told that evening, that most men express their LOVE for a women through physical aka sex. That a man NEEDS to have sex to feel loved. This statement I have now heard more than once and not only from men … from women also.
Perhaps before I started my journey, I might have taken this on a kind of a truth. But now?
Is this true? Or this as well one of those handed down illusions and it actually is not this way?
This picture of being a “true” man, once he has had lots of women?
Do men not feel like us women? Lots of questions.
Here we go for the women.
Some comments were: I do not need sex that often. Once a week if at all, is enough.
Often I have come across as well, that women give their bodies away (have sex) in search for love.
Which of course will leave them empty.
Sadly there is no honesty and often one hears: OH, I can have a one night stand.
Sorry ~ this I think is not true, lets be very honest here!
This too, a handed down illusion? Or are women more connected to Source subconsciously and have sex with feelings? Or is it more attachments?
More questions.
Lately too, here in South Africa another TV station is about to bring upon this country a pay porn channel. Right now I do not even know how I must feel about this.
As in my eyes, sex is being used more and more in a manipulative way. Leaving women without dignity and pride. Women being used as a better kind of relief “things”. Rape and domestic rape and violence. Men being outed as sex addicts. Child pornography. There are no more limits. There is nothing sacred anymore. Even the music videos. It suppose to be about the music and not half naked young girls producing themselves.
Sex has separated male and female to such an extend, sex has publicly become dirty. And in a way it is ok. Which I find very scary. It has a very needy touch from both male and female and what is needy is not balanced. It is more a being used and use game. The energies are not exchanged, it is tapped into and drained. Often leaves one side empty. Lots of fear involved too.
Separation of two, which actually are ONE in two bodies.
What I am saying is, one can be open and talk about sex and yes have sex ~ but it is a scared union.
I think, one need here too, to let go of old beliefs and thoughts and re-asses ones own views and needs on sex.
When one becomes more aware about ones own body and feelings, sex has a complete different meaning. We are starting to balance out male and female energies in our bodies and allowing new. Sex is not anymore the physical release as such. It becomes more a dance of two souls and a magical exchange of energies. An opening of the heart centers and flowing and a give and take. Not one sided anymore. This is sacred. It is divine.
As divine love we all are.
As long as fear is living within a person, there is the separation and no sacred sexual union will be possible I think. It will stay needy. Women have to let go of being often used and abused. Letting go of being the victim with no choices. Men on the other hand, letting of of the thought: having sex is being loved and the only way of expressing love. And letting go of the power thought.
Now here too, let go of the old and allow the new in.
Allow the divine love and the divine sex.
In love, light and lightness
D xox