Friday, December 9, 2011
The old belief about sex
I wonder if I must put a disclaimer right here on top or on the bottom after I have written down my thoughts…mmmhhhh
Since lately my vision becomes clearer and clearer and old beliefs and therefore separation in various areas of our lives, are SO in my face.
One was a topic of a discussion at a braai (barbecue) the other night.
Why men need to (want to) have sex every night and why women don’t.
Please be aware, I am now here generalizing!!!
Let me start with men.
I have been told that evening, that most men express their LOVE for a women through physical aka sex. That a man NEEDS to have sex to feel loved. This statement I have now heard more than once and not only from men … from women also.
Perhaps before I started my journey, I might have taken this on a kind of a truth. But now?
Is this true? Or this as well one of those handed down illusions and it actually is not this way?
This picture of being a “true” man, once he has had lots of women?
Do men not feel like us women? Lots of questions.
Here we go for the women.
Some comments were: I do not need sex that often. Once a week if at all, is enough.
Often I have come across as well, that women give their bodies away (have sex) in search for love.
Which of course will leave them empty.
Sadly there is no honesty and often one hears: OH, I can have a one night stand.
Sorry ~ this I think is not true, lets be very honest here!
This too, a handed down illusion? Or are women more connected to Source subconsciously and have sex with feelings? Or is it more attachments?
More questions.
Lately too, here in South Africa another TV station is about to bring upon this country a pay porn channel. Right now I do not even know how I must feel about this.
As in my eyes, sex is being used more and more in a manipulative way. Leaving women without dignity and pride. Women being used as a better kind of relief “things”. Rape and domestic rape and violence. Men being outed as sex addicts. Child pornography. There are no more limits. There is nothing sacred anymore. Even the music videos. It suppose to be about the music and not half naked young girls producing themselves.
Sex has separated male and female to such an extend, sex has publicly become dirty. And in a way it is ok. Which I find very scary. It has a very needy touch from both male and female and what is needy is not balanced. It is more a being used and use game. The energies are not exchanged, it is tapped into and drained. Often leaves one side empty. Lots of fear involved too.
Separation of two, which actually are ONE in two bodies.
What I am saying is, one can be open and talk about sex and yes have sex ~ but it is a scared union.
I think, one need here too, to let go of old beliefs and thoughts and re-asses ones own views and needs on sex.
When one becomes more aware about ones own body and feelings, sex has a complete different meaning. We are starting to balance out male and female energies in our bodies and allowing new. Sex is not anymore the physical release as such. It becomes more a dance of two souls and a magical exchange of energies. An opening of the heart centers and flowing and a give and take. Not one sided anymore. This is sacred. It is divine.
As divine love we all are.
As long as fear is living within a person, there is the separation and no sacred sexual union will be possible I think. It will stay needy. Women have to let go of being often used and abused. Letting go of being the victim with no choices. Men on the other hand, letting of of the thought: having sex is being loved and the only way of expressing love. And letting go of the power thought.
Now here too, let go of the old and allow the new in.
Allow the divine love and the divine sex.
In love, light and lightness
D xox
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Let go of the old core belief
THIS ~~~~ has been a major thing for me, and let me explain to you why. Because, once released - you live truly happily ever after.
As you all know, on this wonderful journey, we meeting and greeting people and situations in our lives to learn, grow, become aware, accept, allow and let go (lots of let go).
Good things and not so good things or challenges will give us the ride of our lives.
Now how sometimes, it all seem just so unfair and things are getting worse and worse instead of better?
Hej, take it with a pinch of salt, this is Universe handing you another opportunity to RELEASE!We as humans on this journey tend to re-create situations, which make us feel the way we used too. Sadly it is often not so nice and I would like to call it, just for this time---suffering.
Imagine, you are a small child and have had a rough upbringing or a rough experience, which shaped your belief system. Your fear. Lets say for instance, your parents never had time for you, no matter what you did. You always felt not good enough for receiving their love. This now, is one of your core beliefs and fears.
Not being good enough to be loved and love.
What will happen now, that you will carry THIS feeling of knowing and understanding throughout your life and will create all the time situations to feel this way. Comfort the pain we know. With years going by, of course your physical body will start too, showing strain. Giving you signs of discomfort and wanting you to become aware of the suffering within. Some bodies go so far, that one has no more control over the weight, the stomach has ulcers and and and.
No matter what you will touch in your life, subconsciously you will sabotage it already from the beginning.
Yes, this is how it works. Like Shrek said: We are like onions ~ have many layers.
Now what can you do to get hold of this fear? Easy ~ start your journey of becoming aware. Remembering who you truly are.
Knowing, that this too shall pass (oh man, now I said it myself LOL)
Along on your journey, you will invited people and situations into your life, which will assist you in getting down to the nitty gritty and be able to release those fears. There too, are wonderful techniques such as EFT/Tapping for example.
And yes, these fears and old thoughts are nothing else, than an illusion. It can be changed, as quickly as you breath out.
Once you have let this go and are aware for what it is, your life will change almost in an instant.
Physical pains will disappear, your weight might just sort itself out. You will be able to see life in a very very different way and be able to make better choices. For yourself and for all of us.
No more fear and no more darkness.
Love yourself and open up to all those opportunities around you.
We are here to assist and we are here to path the way.
In love, light and lightness
D xox
All Rights Reserved By Artist. Copyright Protected 2011 Diana Prins
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Collective Consciousness and BEing One
The recent weeks and month have been filled with mass protests around the globe.
More often than not, peaceful mass gatherings, to create awareness and stand up for peace and freedom.Yes times are changing, humanity is moving energies.
More often than not, peaceful mass gatherings, to create awareness and stand up for peace and freedom.Yes times are changing, humanity is moving energies.
Even though, still lots of humanity is fast asleep, somehow subconsciously there is an awareness which perhaps cannot be explained by many. They following an instinct, which they not aware of really and supporting the masses. Which of course is pretty great.
But, how much power does this collective consciousness have, you may ask. Does it have power at all?
Let me give you one very interesting example. ONLY MY THOUGHTS!!!!! (and please only what resonates with you). Lets look at the very very old nation of the Jews. Looking back, way back, the Jewish people have always suffered. Look through the history of the world. The most recent and most terrible one was in the big war two. Now lets just follow this thought: has this nation ever broken the cycle of collective suffering. Yes of course other people have implemented the suffering upon them. But what I mean is, as the law of attraction does exist and works, can a whole nation collectively think they suffering and attract it?
Look what has happen in South Africa just yesterday. The information bill has been passed. Meaning, again a government officially hiding and corrupting as the previous one (oh I know this is nothing new for governments) and again most of the African population will stay poor and below minimum existence. Now it is not the white minority ~ this time its the own people. Again a nation has collectively manifested, they are poor and being treated inhumane, being cheated at and it is happening again.
But, how much power does this collective consciousness have, you may ask. Does it have power at all?
Let me give you one very interesting example. ONLY MY THOUGHTS!!!!! (and please only what resonates with you). Lets look at the very very old nation of the Jews. Looking back, way back, the Jewish people have always suffered. Look through the history of the world. The most recent and most terrible one was in the big war two. Now lets just follow this thought: has this nation ever broken the cycle of collective suffering. Yes of course other people have implemented the suffering upon them. But what I mean is, as the law of attraction does exist and works, can a whole nation collectively think they suffering and attract it?
Look what has happen in South Africa just yesterday. The information bill has been passed. Meaning, again a government officially hiding and corrupting as the previous one (oh I know this is nothing new for governments) and again most of the African population will stay poor and below minimum existence. Now it is not the white minority ~ this time its the own people. Again a nation has collectively manifested, they are poor and being treated inhumane, being cheated at and it is happening again.
Can you see what I am getting at?
How powerful this collective consciousness is? Yes, here and there are some which get out of it and walk their own path. Isn’t this an interesting food for thoughts?
My thinking now is, how can one break this vicious circle of repeating it over and over again?
There are so many already awakened and planting and seeding love, but is it enough?
Is it enough to break this cycle of suffering? Or here again do we have to honor those on the journey and let them walk their path. Pray and hope they will see us and our light and love and change their direction?
There are so many already awakened and planting and seeding love, but is it enough?
Is it enough to break this cycle of suffering? Or here again do we have to honor those on the journey and let them walk their path. Pray and hope they will see us and our light and love and change their direction?
Now, if the suffering on a collective conscious level can have such an impact,.
How come we do not get it, that by switching to love and peace and freedom, we would have the same affect? Globally and collectively!! Does this make sense to you?
How come we do not get it, that by switching to love and peace and freedom, we would have the same affect? Globally and collectively!! Does this make sense to you?
We each are a drop and belong to this huge ocean. Each and one of us is important in this game of the big shift. And need to remember, that we are all connected. No matter what you do or not, it has an affect on everybody else. This is where one has to take responsibility for their lives and actions and thoughts. Become aware and live a mindful life.
As we are so much more powerful with our thoughts and actions, than we think. Signing a petition, wearing black, a colored ribbon, recycling etc. has an impact on all of us. It is a tiny deed and yet giving a signal to the Universe, we are connecting with others. We are ONE!
Being aware and not mindful is not picking up your responsibility for your life and ours.
Now all this has been going through my mind for a while and am now putting my intent out, that those cycles of collective suffering will be broken and collectively (I mean ALL) remembering what we came to do.
Love this world to peace!
Love this world to peace!
D xox
picture source:
picture source:
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
What is it about attachments and assumptions
Yet again, I am sitting in my favorite little coffee shop and glooming with smiles and happiness. So many things lately crossing my path and I feel so grateful for so many lessons learned and so much release. It is wonderful.
Just a few minutes ago, a very special friend of mine has had coffee with me. I am left with so much love, that I cannot comprehend.
Why this time I am writing about attachments and assumptions is the following: As this has been one of the things I have learned the past few days. Letting go of attachment.
As we all most likely know attachment and assumptions are originating from fear ~ fear yet again is an illusion. But as we have lived it for so long, we THINK that it is real. Which is not.
Attachments come in many forms and shapes. Most common one is the needy and clingy one. We holding so desperately on to things and people, of fear loosing them and leaving an open space within us. Not knowingly (or perhaps we do), that no thing or person, can fill a void within us ~ except us!
Now we sitting here with this overwhelming feeling of not being able to breath, the fear if we do not hold on to the thing or have to phone the person, we not going to be able to survive to some extend.
It is EGO having the hand in the game and sending out thoughts of need and fear. The clingy one.
Than there is the attachment, of building up a total resistance or wall around ourselves and telling ourselves that we do not want love or things which have been freely given to us! Because here, we are projecting our fear upon others. To get hurt or disappointed.
Again the control of an outcome, where we do not have power over.
What an old belief this is. Shame, poor fear.
See, love in its purest form has no attachments and is free. Freely given and freely taken. It is an exchange of energy which happens very naturally and cannot be described with any of the words existing in human terms. Love just …..IS! Always has been and always will be.
Any attachment and meaning we giving it is a label, which ego has a habit of doing.
Sit back, look at it, allow it to be what it is and release yourself and the other person or thing.
Release the need of control, as attachments too is control due to fear.
Love does not control, love just loves. Be free of it and you will see how much lighter you will feel.
Now to assumptions. Am smiling, assumptions I feel are a part of attachment. As we tend to assume, that a person or thing should or should not be. (I SO dislike the word: SHOULD) Because we want to have power/control over the outcome or the thing/person.
Assuming too, is fear controlling something it can not.
The only person you are holding prison is ~ yourself. Prison of the emotions fear ~ which is not existing. Something one has to consciously release. To be set free and set others free.
We need to understand, that by letting go off attachments towards the other person or thing, we releasing our selves into all that is. Allowing ourselves the freedom of loving and love.
Each time to see and realize that it is an attachment or assumption, it is one way closer to who you truly are and are allowing a shift at the same time.
Which is so wonderful and light and so good for you and for me and humanity. As only a shift can occur when you allowing it.
So let go of the holding on to things and giving it meanings, which ego thinks is right.
The true you, knows where to go and knows already everything.
Love is like a butterfly. Wonderful – beautiful and magical. You cannot hold it, as it would die.
So allow it to fly pass you and you will have one magical moment after the other. Most of all, be surrounded by love ~ ALWAYS!
In love, light and lightness on this magical journey back home
D xox
Just a few minutes ago, a very special friend of mine has had coffee with me. I am left with so much love, that I cannot comprehend.
Why this time I am writing about attachments and assumptions is the following: As this has been one of the things I have learned the past few days. Letting go of attachment.
As we all most likely know attachment and assumptions are originating from fear ~ fear yet again is an illusion. But as we have lived it for so long, we THINK that it is real. Which is not.
Attachments come in many forms and shapes. Most common one is the needy and clingy one. We holding so desperately on to things and people, of fear loosing them and leaving an open space within us. Not knowingly (or perhaps we do), that no thing or person, can fill a void within us ~ except us!
Now we sitting here with this overwhelming feeling of not being able to breath, the fear if we do not hold on to the thing or have to phone the person, we not going to be able to survive to some extend.
It is EGO having the hand in the game and sending out thoughts of need and fear. The clingy one.
Than there is the attachment, of building up a total resistance or wall around ourselves and telling ourselves that we do not want love or things which have been freely given to us! Because here, we are projecting our fear upon others. To get hurt or disappointed.
Again the control of an outcome, where we do not have power over.
What an old belief this is. Shame, poor fear.
See, love in its purest form has no attachments and is free. Freely given and freely taken. It is an exchange of energy which happens very naturally and cannot be described with any of the words existing in human terms. Love just …..IS! Always has been and always will be.
Any attachment and meaning we giving it is a label, which ego has a habit of doing.
Sit back, look at it, allow it to be what it is and release yourself and the other person or thing.
Release the need of control, as attachments too is control due to fear.
Love does not control, love just loves. Be free of it and you will see how much lighter you will feel.
Now to assumptions. Am smiling, assumptions I feel are a part of attachment. As we tend to assume, that a person or thing should or should not be. (I SO dislike the word: SHOULD) Because we want to have power/control over the outcome or the thing/person.
Assuming too, is fear controlling something it can not.
The only person you are holding prison is ~ yourself. Prison of the emotions fear ~ which is not existing. Something one has to consciously release. To be set free and set others free.
We need to understand, that by letting go off attachments towards the other person or thing, we releasing our selves into all that is. Allowing ourselves the freedom of loving and love.
Each time to see and realize that it is an attachment or assumption, it is one way closer to who you truly are and are allowing a shift at the same time.
Which is so wonderful and light and so good for you and for me and humanity. As only a shift can occur when you allowing it.
So let go of the holding on to things and giving it meanings, which ego thinks is right.
The true you, knows where to go and knows already everything.
So allow it to fly pass you and you will have one magical moment after the other. Most of all, be surrounded by love ~ ALWAYS!
In love, light and lightness on this magical journey back home
D xox
Friday, October 7, 2011
What Is Love …..
…….this is the question.
When ones asks around: What is love? One might get various replies. And the most amazing thing is, to find out how different people are feeling about this feeling thing: LOVE.
Often it has a physical meaning or a needy one. Coming from a place of fear, not being good enough to love or be loved.
The so called love gets cut off and “taken away” with a break up or an argument. There is no in between.
Either I love you or I don’t.
I would like to drift away from the common understanding of love.
Perhaps lets look at that special love, which starts within one own self and extends to all that is and surrounding us.
It is an acceptance of who we really and truly are. Letting go of old habits and masks, we used to hide behind. Which we thought would define us, so we are able to love and be worthy of love.
This we need to un-learn and learn again, that we are indeed SO able to love and SO worthy of love.
Once the acceptance has kicked in, we become almost like a love-well.
Which overflows and floods all, touching lives with warmth.
What an effect this has on all around us!
You might just experience that others will be afraid of you. Afraid of the purity and love and happiness you will radiate. Afraid, because they will not know it or understand.
Only two thing here can happen, either they will run away as fast as they can OR come closer because they curious and want to be as happy as you are. And this is, what we want. More happy and loving people.
LOVE has so many wonderful side effects. Like being happy, patient, grateful, compassionate, calm and peaceful, just to name a few. And the best part, you cannot overdose!
My most favorite side effect is: compassion!
It gives you so much freedom to love everybody around you, even thought they might not like you and you might not like them in particular. Meaning, one does not have to sit cozy with each and every one on this planet on the couch and sip tea. It will allow, you to get past fear and anger of others. You will forgive so much quicker and easier (btw forgiveness too, is a side effect of love). You are able to allow yourself, to be as you truly are and allow those around you too, to be who they are.
Total freedom and total peace.
With compassion you will be able to help others in need, without being emptied up emotionally by getting involved. If this makes sense.
Love is so much more than hugging and kissing and being held and have a special someone. Which of course everybody wants and yes needs in a way. But please again..not needy.
I have learned to be in love with my self and life. It is the most amazing thing. Each day is an absolute miracle. Bouncy steps and big smiles on my face. If I still have not so good days? OH yes of course, but can easy get pass that, as I know and understand that these not so good days a) shall pass too and b) will be released and the spot refilled with love again.
With love, you actually cannot go anymore eye for an eye, as one attracts only the best in ones lives and further compassion kicks in and one would walk away from certain situations in any case.
Yes it is pure bliss to be in love and to be love.
Is it work? Mmmmhhh yes at the beginning. As it sounds so incredible unbelievable. And one has to un-learn the fear part and learn the love part.
Does love hurt? NO! Never has and never will hurt anybody nor yourself. Who gets hurt is the ego, the old belief system. Ego thinks: one should be hurt when there is no love or has been taken away.
See, love cannot be taken away when one IS love. Yes, a person might not be there anymore to hug and kiss and hold. But by understanding the being unconditional, one releases the other person and oneself, for the highest good of all. As love is not self centered.
With this I will LOVE and leave you. I wish you to find the button to switch into love and feel this amazing vibration and energy.
Did not the Beatles sing long time ago: All we need is love…….
In love and light and lightness on this wonderful journey
D xox
All Rights Reserved By Artist. Copyright Protected 2011 Diana Prins
When ones asks around: What is love? One might get various replies. And the most amazing thing is, to find out how different people are feeling about this feeling thing: LOVE.
Often it has a physical meaning or a needy one. Coming from a place of fear, not being good enough to love or be loved.
The so called love gets cut off and “taken away” with a break up or an argument. There is no in between.
Either I love you or I don’t.
I would like to drift away from the common understanding of love.
Perhaps lets look at that special love, which starts within one own self and extends to all that is and surrounding us.
It is an acceptance of who we really and truly are. Letting go of old habits and masks, we used to hide behind. Which we thought would define us, so we are able to love and be worthy of love.
This we need to un-learn and learn again, that we are indeed SO able to love and SO worthy of love.
Once the acceptance has kicked in, we become almost like a love-well.
Which overflows and floods all, touching lives with warmth.
What an effect this has on all around us!
You might just experience that others will be afraid of you. Afraid of the purity and love and happiness you will radiate. Afraid, because they will not know it or understand.
Only two thing here can happen, either they will run away as fast as they can OR come closer because they curious and want to be as happy as you are. And this is, what we want. More happy and loving people.
LOVE has so many wonderful side effects. Like being happy, patient, grateful, compassionate, calm and peaceful, just to name a few. And the best part, you cannot overdose!
My most favorite side effect is: compassion!
It gives you so much freedom to love everybody around you, even thought they might not like you and you might not like them in particular. Meaning, one does not have to sit cozy with each and every one on this planet on the couch and sip tea. It will allow, you to get past fear and anger of others. You will forgive so much quicker and easier (btw forgiveness too, is a side effect of love). You are able to allow yourself, to be as you truly are and allow those around you too, to be who they are.
Total freedom and total peace.
With compassion you will be able to help others in need, without being emptied up emotionally by getting involved. If this makes sense.
Love is so much more than hugging and kissing and being held and have a special someone. Which of course everybody wants and yes needs in a way. But please again..not needy.
I have learned to be in love with my self and life. It is the most amazing thing. Each day is an absolute miracle. Bouncy steps and big smiles on my face. If I still have not so good days? OH yes of course, but can easy get pass that, as I know and understand that these not so good days a) shall pass too and b) will be released and the spot refilled with love again.
With love, you actually cannot go anymore eye for an eye, as one attracts only the best in ones lives and further compassion kicks in and one would walk away from certain situations in any case.
Yes it is pure bliss to be in love and to be love.
Is it work? Mmmmhhh yes at the beginning. As it sounds so incredible unbelievable. And one has to un-learn the fear part and learn the love part.
Does love hurt? NO! Never has and never will hurt anybody nor yourself. Who gets hurt is the ego, the old belief system. Ego thinks: one should be hurt when there is no love or has been taken away.
See, love cannot be taken away when one IS love. Yes, a person might not be there anymore to hug and kiss and hold. But by understanding the being unconditional, one releases the other person and oneself, for the highest good of all. As love is not self centered.
With this I will LOVE and leave you. I wish you to find the button to switch into love and feel this amazing vibration and energy.
Did not the Beatles sing long time ago: All we need is love…….
In love and light and lightness on this wonderful journey
D xox
All Rights Reserved By Artist. Copyright Protected 2011 Diana Prins
Monday, September 26, 2011
What does Faith mean to you?
As I am sitting here in a wonderful little coffee shop and should be actually writing those mails, marketing my little EFT=Emotional Freedom Technique endower here in our new home.
Am thinking, how far I have come the past few weeks and about the driving force which got me here.
This short word, has a powerful energy in it, behind it and surrounding it. It comes straight from the Source, God or what other name you want to give it or you believe in it.
Faith is more than just this five letter word. It is a feeling of trust and love and inner knowing.
It is an energy making you grow wings and helps move the mountains and make your dreams come true. It allows you to surrender and be in the now. The moment which keeps you in a serene state of heart and mind. It helps you make choices, which others not feeling faith will never understand. Allow you to walk your path with eyes closed and achieve things, beyond anything you have imagined.
With faith comes trust, that all is well and will be well. It will give you the security, that all your TRUE needs are met. For example, you will have sufficient food and a vehicle. Perhaps not the SUV right now you want, but four wheels taking you, where ever you need to be.
Trust in your own abilities, you already know you have and trust that you will have further abilities to take you there where you want to be.
Trust and faith, that where you are right now is the place you have to be. Often we humans tend not to learn our lesson with out pain inflicted. Yes it is rather sad, but hej – it is as it is. Surrender to it and again TRUST, that it shall pass. By surrendering and being in the now, there is no rush. You can sit back, enjoy your coffee (as I do) and let opportunities knock on your door. You will have the peace within, to actually see them and feel if it is right for you.
You will be able to say NO, should something not feel right to you. Knowing and trusting, that a new better opportunity will present itself. There is no need for desperation acts.
Within this vibration, there is no space for good old ego nor the old habit of being fearful. It allows you at all times to be at peace and allows to be still and be love. Have compassion. Imagine yourself as being an astronaut on Moon and walk in the air with a huge grin on your face and in slow motion.
No rush ….. hehehe …. you will get there. In YOUR own time.
Faith is a great thing. As you can see, it is not just a word. Faith needs to be cultivated, believed in and seeded into your heart. It needs to be felt with each cell of your physical body. Let it fill your lungs with every breath you taking and become a part of you. Faith and trust CANNOT be faked.
I will now love and leave you. Have my little sandwich with my coffee and sit back and smile. As I have received a call (which I have received whilst writing this words) for perhaps a business opportunity. See? It works like magic, this trust and faith. And it is 11:11 am, what more do I want?
Have faith and trust that all is in divine order and we are well on our way.
In love and light
D xox
All Rights reserved by Artist. Copyright protected.
Am thinking, how far I have come the past few weeks and about the driving force which got me here.
This short word, has a powerful energy in it, behind it and surrounding it. It comes straight from the Source, God or what other name you want to give it or you believe in it.
Faith is more than just this five letter word. It is a feeling of trust and love and inner knowing.
It is an energy making you grow wings and helps move the mountains and make your dreams come true. It allows you to surrender and be in the now. The moment which keeps you in a serene state of heart and mind. It helps you make choices, which others not feeling faith will never understand. Allow you to walk your path with eyes closed and achieve things, beyond anything you have imagined.
With faith comes trust, that all is well and will be well. It will give you the security, that all your TRUE needs are met. For example, you will have sufficient food and a vehicle. Perhaps not the SUV right now you want, but four wheels taking you, where ever you need to be.
Trust in your own abilities, you already know you have and trust that you will have further abilities to take you there where you want to be.
Trust and faith, that where you are right now is the place you have to be. Often we humans tend not to learn our lesson with out pain inflicted. Yes it is rather sad, but hej – it is as it is. Surrender to it and again TRUST, that it shall pass. By surrendering and being in the now, there is no rush. You can sit back, enjoy your coffee (as I do) and let opportunities knock on your door. You will have the peace within, to actually see them and feel if it is right for you.
You will be able to say NO, should something not feel right to you. Knowing and trusting, that a new better opportunity will present itself. There is no need for desperation acts.
Within this vibration, there is no space for good old ego nor the old habit of being fearful. It allows you at all times to be at peace and allows to be still and be love. Have compassion. Imagine yourself as being an astronaut on Moon and walk in the air with a huge grin on your face and in slow motion.
No rush ….. hehehe …. you will get there. In YOUR own time.
Faith is a great thing. As you can see, it is not just a word. Faith needs to be cultivated, believed in and seeded into your heart. It needs to be felt with each cell of your physical body. Let it fill your lungs with every breath you taking and become a part of you. Faith and trust CANNOT be faked.
I will now love and leave you. Have my little sandwich with my coffee and sit back and smile. As I have received a call (which I have received whilst writing this words) for perhaps a business opportunity. See? It works like magic, this trust and faith. And it is 11:11 am, what more do I want?
Have faith and trust that all is in divine order and we are well on our way.
In love and light
D xox
All Rights reserved by Artist. Copyright protected.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Do not skip, do not cheat...go with the flow
Don’t we know all that feeling of being impatient with things, situations, relationships etc. and wanting to skip a step or two in the process?
Welcome to the club! This is the most annoying feeling I know right now. Perhaps for somebody who is not awakened or aware yet, this might be just a thing one has to go through. Which it is.
A break up and then being heart sore. A death and grieving. A project coming on to slow and and and.
BUT once you awakened and KNOW you can and should actually letting it go – much quicker. Soje, impatience!!!
One thinks: man I know, easy as one, two , three. It is what it is and let it go!
No! Sorry to disappoint you. Or at least so it is with me.
One has to go through all of the little tiny steps in between. From heart broken, to heart sore, to the feeling of being able to breath again.
This is with all in life. There is kind of a set plan. This is lives experiences.
You do not think so? Mmmhhh I have two more examples:
A cold comes three days, stays three days and goes three days. Even though one takes meds, for some odd reason this time span is not being shortened.
Another one: pregnancy. You fall pregnant, have to be pregnant for the nine month and then only give birth. Hahaha just imagine otherwise. No, I don’t!
This is what being human is about. To learn and to experience. Every single time to feel and follow the process of your lesson. Good or not so good.
No matter what it may be. These are the things one has to go through, to get to the other side. No short cuts. So do not beat yourself up about it.
Oh, in a way there is one. Mean shortcut. Do not get consumed by the emotions.
Meaning, should it be not such a good experience you in, do not allow the feelings to take over totally. So that it makes you physically sick at the end and you do not know which way to turn.
YES please feel it. Cry if you need to. Scream if you need to. Get angry if you need to.
Then balance it out with love and gentleness. Be good towards yourself, spoil yourself. Sit on the ground and suck up the wonderful energy coming from Mother Earth. Hug a tree and perhaps dig your fingers into the ground. Be outside and find gratitude. Feel good stuff.
But otherwise? Nope, no skipping, just go with the flow and enjoy the ride. Experience it.
Be in the now and in the moment. As by looking too far ahead you are not allowing the process to flow and cheating on what has to happen. You know, it will catch up later with you anyways.
Take it as it comes, enjoy it all. The good and the not so good. As with all, there is always something good hidden for us to learn. By being in the now, we might just have the best possible outcome on our plates and are able to make good choices.
So, I will now sit back and enjoy my rollercoaster ride. No skip, no short cuts, just good plain old – BE.
I am going to be a zombie when I want to be and be the sweet girl (of course I am always one) which I naturally am.
Love, light and lightness on this wonderful journey
Diana x
Welcome to the club! This is the most annoying feeling I know right now. Perhaps for somebody who is not awakened or aware yet, this might be just a thing one has to go through. Which it is.
A break up and then being heart sore. A death and grieving. A project coming on to slow and and and.
BUT once you awakened and KNOW you can and should actually letting it go – much quicker. Soje, impatience!!!
One thinks: man I know, easy as one, two , three. It is what it is and let it go!
No! Sorry to disappoint you. Or at least so it is with me.
One has to go through all of the little tiny steps in between. From heart broken, to heart sore, to the feeling of being able to breath again.
This is with all in life. There is kind of a set plan. This is lives experiences.
You do not think so? Mmmhhh I have two more examples:
A cold comes three days, stays three days and goes three days. Even though one takes meds, for some odd reason this time span is not being shortened.
Another one: pregnancy. You fall pregnant, have to be pregnant for the nine month and then only give birth. Hahaha just imagine otherwise. No, I don’t!
This is what being human is about. To learn and to experience. Every single time to feel and follow the process of your lesson. Good or not so good.
No matter what it may be. These are the things one has to go through, to get to the other side. No short cuts. So do not beat yourself up about it.
Oh, in a way there is one. Mean shortcut. Do not get consumed by the emotions.
Meaning, should it be not such a good experience you in, do not allow the feelings to take over totally. So that it makes you physically sick at the end and you do not know which way to turn.
YES please feel it. Cry if you need to. Scream if you need to. Get angry if you need to.
Then balance it out with love and gentleness. Be good towards yourself, spoil yourself. Sit on the ground and suck up the wonderful energy coming from Mother Earth. Hug a tree and perhaps dig your fingers into the ground. Be outside and find gratitude. Feel good stuff.
But otherwise? Nope, no skipping, just go with the flow and enjoy the ride. Experience it.
Be in the now and in the moment. As by looking too far ahead you are not allowing the process to flow and cheating on what has to happen. You know, it will catch up later with you anyways.
Take it as it comes, enjoy it all. The good and the not so good. As with all, there is always something good hidden for us to learn. By being in the now, we might just have the best possible outcome on our plates and are able to make good choices.
So, I will now sit back and enjoy my rollercoaster ride. No skip, no short cuts, just good plain old – BE.
I am going to be a zombie when I want to be and be the sweet girl (of course I am always one) which I naturally am.
Love, light and lightness on this wonderful journey
Diana x
Monday, August 29, 2011
Here is my story
Today I would like to share with you my story. More kind of a short story.
Now only literally a few days away from moving to our first stop, I am edgy and filled with so many different emotions. A good six year chapter of my life is closing and I am taking with, a lot of lessons learned, new discovered gifts and passions and most of all – MY SON!
These six years past have been a journey of awakening and realization of who I truly am.
As am writing I am smiling, as it has bin a rough roller coaster ride.
You know, I think one walks into such abusive relationships with open eyes which are closed.
One knows this relationship is not right and yet one closes ones eyes, and ignores all alarms going off. I had to do this again, because my first marriage I tend to ignore the lessons, yet gained a first step in awakening and stopped. So Universe/God decided, that I was urgently needed and send me on a true boot camp with this second marriage.
Like today I remember the beginning of 2005. I have just decided to stop drinking/partying and smoking and to be for some odd reason become more mindful. There he stepped into my life in March 2005 and turned my life upside down.
From the beginning it was not ok. He drank a lot and was very very manipulative. Yes I know, alcoholics tend to be this way. I believed all his promises and walked into this marriage, almost like knowing: death row is near.
I had Oliver end of 2006. Nothing has changed. More abuse and control and manipulation.
At one stage is was so angry in my life. Woke up in the morning with a frown on my face and my mouth hanging to the ground. One could say it bordered on depression. With each day I was a bit more hopeless, a bit more sad and pushed into a life I did not want to live.
Not knowing that this was my push to where I am today.
Sad actually that humans have to learn with pain and then hopefully wake up.
Besides all the violent force in my life, I am taking so much more with me.
I could have turned bitter and sour, especially after I walked out once for a few weeks and returned back on empty promises. Yes I know, silly me. But it had to happen this way and it is ok.
Look at me today, even though the last few days and hours are a true challenge in an emotional way, it is ok too. Sounds sick doesn’t it
I have learned to be grateful, patient, open minded and hearted and to have compassion. Most of all I have learned to have faith. Live faith, breath faith and feel faith.
With this faith I am now learning to let go and live in the moment and see things as they are and take them as they are. Make choices for the now and change if I do not like it. Set my boundaries and walk my truth. I will not be violent, just because somebody else chooses it to be. I am the change. I am the change I want to see in the world.
My son will in a few days, see a mother he can look up to and copy. See how it is done. See how to be so much love, that it overflows. And see that addiction and abuse and bullying is a NO GO!
In a few days, I am out of here. Then most likely the battle of divorce and custody will start.
I have faith, that I am protected and is well. As with fear I would give my power away and succumb in the dark.
Life is amazing, despite all the turbulence. I am receiving love from so many people. Have received financial help from a friend, I never thought in my life would help me. THANK YOU!
Now I will start doing what I came to do. Write and share and be of assistance.
PLEASE, this here is intended to be an inspiration to other women and some men out there in similar circumstances. I am not a victim anymore. On the contrary, I came to shine and live my life so that others asleep, will awaken and perhaps follow. I came here in assistance to heal others and myself at the same time.
Wake up, protect yourself and step out of the fear. If I can do it ~ so can you. Violence is not an option.
Never has and never will be. One doesn’t have to walk away and leave all behind. One doesn’t. Perhaps at the beginning as my boy and I, have to live in a smaller place? But we taking our animals with.
Life is not about compromising. Adjust if YOU want to and have faith. Feel it in your heart.
With love, light and lightness
Diana x
Now only literally a few days away from moving to our first stop, I am edgy and filled with so many different emotions. A good six year chapter of my life is closing and I am taking with, a lot of lessons learned, new discovered gifts and passions and most of all – MY SON!
These six years past have been a journey of awakening and realization of who I truly am.
As am writing I am smiling, as it has bin a rough roller coaster ride.
You know, I think one walks into such abusive relationships with open eyes which are closed.
One knows this relationship is not right and yet one closes ones eyes, and ignores all alarms going off. I had to do this again, because my first marriage I tend to ignore the lessons, yet gained a first step in awakening and stopped. So Universe/God decided, that I was urgently needed and send me on a true boot camp with this second marriage.
Like today I remember the beginning of 2005. I have just decided to stop drinking/partying and smoking and to be for some odd reason become more mindful. There he stepped into my life in March 2005 and turned my life upside down.
From the beginning it was not ok. He drank a lot and was very very manipulative. Yes I know, alcoholics tend to be this way. I believed all his promises and walked into this marriage, almost like knowing: death row is near.
I had Oliver end of 2006. Nothing has changed. More abuse and control and manipulation.
At one stage is was so angry in my life. Woke up in the morning with a frown on my face and my mouth hanging to the ground. One could say it bordered on depression. With each day I was a bit more hopeless, a bit more sad and pushed into a life I did not want to live.
Not knowing that this was my push to where I am today.
Sad actually that humans have to learn with pain and then hopefully wake up.
Besides all the violent force in my life, I am taking so much more with me.
I could have turned bitter and sour, especially after I walked out once for a few weeks and returned back on empty promises. Yes I know, silly me. But it had to happen this way and it is ok.
Look at me today, even though the last few days and hours are a true challenge in an emotional way, it is ok too. Sounds sick doesn’t it
I have learned to be grateful, patient, open minded and hearted and to have compassion. Most of all I have learned to have faith. Live faith, breath faith and feel faith.
With this faith I am now learning to let go and live in the moment and see things as they are and take them as they are. Make choices for the now and change if I do not like it. Set my boundaries and walk my truth. I will not be violent, just because somebody else chooses it to be. I am the change. I am the change I want to see in the world.
My son will in a few days, see a mother he can look up to and copy. See how it is done. See how to be so much love, that it overflows. And see that addiction and abuse and bullying is a NO GO!
In a few days, I am out of here. Then most likely the battle of divorce and custody will start.
I have faith, that I am protected and is well. As with fear I would give my power away and succumb in the dark.
Life is amazing, despite all the turbulence. I am receiving love from so many people. Have received financial help from a friend, I never thought in my life would help me. THANK YOU!
Now I will start doing what I came to do. Write and share and be of assistance.
PLEASE, this here is intended to be an inspiration to other women and some men out there in similar circumstances. I am not a victim anymore. On the contrary, I came to shine and live my life so that others asleep, will awaken and perhaps follow. I came here in assistance to heal others and myself at the same time.
Wake up, protect yourself and step out of the fear. If I can do it ~ so can you. Violence is not an option.
Never has and never will be. One doesn’t have to walk away and leave all behind. One doesn’t. Perhaps at the beginning as my boy and I, have to live in a smaller place? But we taking our animals with.
Life is not about compromising. Adjust if YOU want to and have faith. Feel it in your heart.
With love, light and lightness
Diana x
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Power And A Voice For Humanity
Dear fellow cohabitants of Planet Earth lately this whole situation here on this planet has been becoming rather confusing for me.
Let me explain. We all can see so many things going hair wire, violence, abuse, manipulation, greed, hunger, but just to name a few. Why we do not step up and stop it?
You said what? We cannot?? Sorry why?? Oh, there is a system. Good. Whose and what system? Who is this system serving? Humanity?? Are we agreeing the answer here will be a NO?!
So, why are we allowing so many thing to go “wrong”? Why do we allow to be fed with lies, why do we allow manipulation, why do we allow choices being made FOR us, why do we allow violence and abuse and so on and so forth.
What are we truly afraid of. Why are we silence, even though we feel in our core what is going on is not working anymore on this Earth plane?
Once one is awakening these things become so obvious. One cannot help, but wanting to jump and help and make a change in 20.000 places at the same time.
It puzzles me daily that people are complaining about so many things and yet tending to ignore the fact, that they could make a change, once shaken off the fear?! They would rather ignore and wait for somebody else to take the first step. We still waiting……….
One of my not so favorite topics is this thing with “regulating” herbal medicine. Oh come on please, now somebody is telling me, they are registering the herbal medicine I grew up with, for my own safety. Please!!! Taking away my choice?
What else do we have, oh ja corruption in politics and greed. Now why do we accept that there has to be a certain list to be followed to proof that it is true? And at the end of the day, the person gets off and lots of tax payers money has been wasted. If you would be caught in your company doing the same, BAM you would be out, no questions asked. Branded for life. Wouldn’t you?
Why do we accept to be fed fear. And this on a daily basis. Big time. Yes this place right now is a scary place to live in, but fighting fear with more fear and fighting separation with creating more of it. We not going to get anywhere.
Now imagine, if we all would stand up and fight against crime and violence PEACEFULLY!
If we all would stand up as ONE and say to some leaders: sorry three warnings you out.
What could they do? Nothing.
We can be so powerful and achieving good things for our planet. Just stick together.
As the “dark” can do this with creating fear and keeps the masses controlled, so can we start sticking together as the light we are and do good and make the change.
To make things happen and stand together, we need to break free and start taking in fresh air into our lungs and cells again. Think our own thoughts and take our power back. It is after all a FREE WILL PLANET!
My choices, my life. Listen to your heart and start trusting this guiding voice inside.
At the beginning it might feel odd and people might think you crazy. “Crazy is good “
Live your life from your heart and let the warmth of love be your energy fountain.
Life is good and is peaceful we just have to choose it for oneself and for all of us.
Each and one of us has a wonderful gift. Become aware of it and use it. We all need you here to make this happen.
For those already awaken, gather and shine your light and walk your truth.
Those awakening, there is light around you. Trust and you will see it and feel it.
Fear is truly just and illusion.
Now go and grow your voice, speak up and lets stand as ONE. To take our power back and make this world a place where love rules.
Love, light and lightness your way
Diana x
Let me explain. We all can see so many things going hair wire, violence, abuse, manipulation, greed, hunger, but just to name a few. Why we do not step up and stop it?
You said what? We cannot?? Sorry why?? Oh, there is a system. Good. Whose and what system? Who is this system serving? Humanity?? Are we agreeing the answer here will be a NO?!
So, why are we allowing so many thing to go “wrong”? Why do we allow to be fed with lies, why do we allow manipulation, why do we allow choices being made FOR us, why do we allow violence and abuse and so on and so forth.
What are we truly afraid of. Why are we silence, even though we feel in our core what is going on is not working anymore on this Earth plane?
Once one is awakening these things become so obvious. One cannot help, but wanting to jump and help and make a change in 20.000 places at the same time.
It puzzles me daily that people are complaining about so many things and yet tending to ignore the fact, that they could make a change, once shaken off the fear?! They would rather ignore and wait for somebody else to take the first step. We still waiting……….
One of my not so favorite topics is this thing with “regulating” herbal medicine. Oh come on please, now somebody is telling me, they are registering the herbal medicine I grew up with, for my own safety. Please!!! Taking away my choice?
What else do we have, oh ja corruption in politics and greed. Now why do we accept that there has to be a certain list to be followed to proof that it is true? And at the end of the day, the person gets off and lots of tax payers money has been wasted. If you would be caught in your company doing the same, BAM you would be out, no questions asked. Branded for life. Wouldn’t you?
Why do we accept to be fed fear. And this on a daily basis. Big time. Yes this place right now is a scary place to live in, but fighting fear with more fear and fighting separation with creating more of it. We not going to get anywhere.
Now imagine, if we all would stand up and fight against crime and violence PEACEFULLY!
If we all would stand up as ONE and say to some leaders: sorry three warnings you out.
What could they do? Nothing.
We can be so powerful and achieving good things for our planet. Just stick together.
As the “dark” can do this with creating fear and keeps the masses controlled, so can we start sticking together as the light we are and do good and make the change.
To make things happen and stand together, we need to break free and start taking in fresh air into our lungs and cells again. Think our own thoughts and take our power back. It is after all a FREE WILL PLANET!
My choices, my life. Listen to your heart and start trusting this guiding voice inside.
At the beginning it might feel odd and people might think you crazy. “Crazy is good “
Live your life from your heart and let the warmth of love be your energy fountain.
Life is good and is peaceful we just have to choose it for oneself and for all of us.
Each and one of us has a wonderful gift. Become aware of it and use it. We all need you here to make this happen.
For those already awaken, gather and shine your light and walk your truth.
Those awakening, there is light around you. Trust and you will see it and feel it.
Fear is truly just and illusion.
Now go and grow your voice, speak up and lets stand as ONE. To take our power back and make this world a place where love rules.
Love, light and lightness your way
Diana x
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Now honestly……
…..what is it with humanity and the fear of being honest and taking responsibility for their own lives?
Lately it seems so in my face with people not being honest.
See, previously I got very offended and hurt when people lied to me. How can a person break my trust and do this to me. It took me years and years of growth and learning to understand, they not lying to me, they lying to themselves.
Honesty is a HUGE challenge. When you start waking up and start releasing of all that is not good and old – one has to be honest to be able to release it. Accept what is and then allow a change to happen. Being honest in this process can be painful. A pain which then can heal and not leave scars.
Not being honest is disabling you, to become the true you. The you which is waiting to emerge.
I do understand that to being dis-honest towards oneself or others, is originating from fear.
Fear of being caught, fear of not being loved, fear of hurting somebody with a respond and and and.
This fear thing is an absolute illusion, we just think it is real. But it is not.
Let say for example: somebody is asking you for financial help and is truly desperate. You are giving either odd answers to buy time or not responding at all. Because you don’t have the money or don’t want to help.
What does it show you? Yes you do not want to hurt the other person.
In actual fact you do so much more and you hurt yourself too.
A) you will feel uncomfortable because you did not reply
B) you are disabling the other party by cheating him/her of the true answer and therefore lesson
You have further cheated yourself out of the responsibility to take charge of your life. You let it slide.
Being responsible is a cool thing to do. Fear and not taking charge of your life aka not being responsible is backing out, is an illusion. We have been brought up with living a lie and allowing others to take charge of our lives. For so many years and decades.
NOW the time is right to let go of all these illusions and fear. We living in great times, times of the great shift and release of old belief systems.
Take charge and BE responsible for your life and your creation, it is a good thing. It is fun
Be honest. For your sake, as it will help you to grow. For others, as you change, so will those around you too. The Law Of Attraction!
Be honest and see the signs and accept the signs, when things start going a bit hair wire and change directions. Do not carry on, on the path which eventually will take you down.
Honesty, honesty and some more honesty.
My wish for today? That you will find the strength to be honest towards yourself and take your life into your hands. Be responsible. This of course as well for lots of the politicians and those holding the “power” in their hands.
In love, light and lightness
D xox
Lately it seems so in my face with people not being honest.
See, previously I got very offended and hurt when people lied to me. How can a person break my trust and do this to me. It took me years and years of growth and learning to understand, they not lying to me, they lying to themselves.
Honesty is a HUGE challenge. When you start waking up and start releasing of all that is not good and old – one has to be honest to be able to release it. Accept what is and then allow a change to happen. Being honest in this process can be painful. A pain which then can heal and not leave scars.
Not being honest is disabling you, to become the true you. The you which is waiting to emerge.
I do understand that to being dis-honest towards oneself or others, is originating from fear.
Fear of being caught, fear of not being loved, fear of hurting somebody with a respond and and and.
This fear thing is an absolute illusion, we just think it is real. But it is not.
Let say for example: somebody is asking you for financial help and is truly desperate. You are giving either odd answers to buy time or not responding at all. Because you don’t have the money or don’t want to help.
What does it show you? Yes you do not want to hurt the other person.
In actual fact you do so much more and you hurt yourself too.
A) you will feel uncomfortable because you did not reply
B) you are disabling the other party by cheating him/her of the true answer and therefore lesson
You have further cheated yourself out of the responsibility to take charge of your life. You let it slide.
Being responsible is a cool thing to do. Fear and not taking charge of your life aka not being responsible is backing out, is an illusion. We have been brought up with living a lie and allowing others to take charge of our lives. For so many years and decades.
NOW the time is right to let go of all these illusions and fear. We living in great times, times of the great shift and release of old belief systems.
Take charge and BE responsible for your life and your creation, it is a good thing. It is fun
Be honest. For your sake, as it will help you to grow. For others, as you change, so will those around you too. The Law Of Attraction!
Be honest and see the signs and accept the signs, when things start going a bit hair wire and change directions. Do not carry on, on the path which eventually will take you down.
Honesty, honesty and some more honesty.
My wish for today? That you will find the strength to be honest towards yourself and take your life into your hands. Be responsible. This of course as well for lots of the politicians and those holding the “power” in their hands.
In love, light and lightness
D xox
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The wonderful and magnificent YOU!
In the whole process of awakening, it was the hardest to discover who I am and makes me tick. Most of all to learn to understand that all starts with myself. The dreams, hopes, loves and the better world we want to live in.
Now there are so many people out there talking about spirituality and changing the world, and am still so often surprised they do not get it, that they first have to clean their own front yard and not look outside for changes.
What I mean by this is, we as humanity have been now following blindly so many things in our lives for eons, that we have to learn to be ourselves. Grow an own voice, own ears and own lives.
For so long it seems to me, we did not have our own identity, and have been handed over our parents baggage and eaten up all we have been served by others. We kept quiet.
It is time now, with the flow of these energies, and awakening of so many others, to start cleaning up ones inner selves and take stock.
Honesty - towards oneself is a rather challenging thing to accept. Just look, when you in an argument and the other person tells you: you have to change . . .
OH do we get mad and offensive??? Me changing? What is wrong with me? You change!! BAM!!
Why we getting so offensive? Why is our ego getting so offensive?
Because it is uncomfortable to look with in and deal with pain? Same old same old is so comfy?
Write down or paint your perfect life, how you want to be, your friends, your kids, your partner and ultimately your world.
Then take stock and start within. YES start with YOU!!! You have forgotten how many outstanding qualities and gifts you have. How much magic there is inside of you. A love just wanting to be discovered and be let free to roam.
YOU, are wonderful and magical being.
Stop looking on the outside to make yourself better, your kids, your friends and your world.
YOU, have it all to make the change for yourself and for us all.
Become aware of, how your unique magnificent light has an impact on your surrounding. Like the drop of water which makes the clear sea ripple.
This awareness is so important for you to make these steps, to become the best you can be.
I cannot give you a receipt on what and how to do things. As I already mentioned, there are a million of us awakening and there are million different stories and ways to be chosen.
You are you, and your journey is yours. Yes please, read, discuss and share as much as you can. But please ~ be aware it is yours alone. This awakening ~ his journey.
Take in the info and let it sink in and resonate with you. Take what is good and leave behind what is not serving you.
The time of walking in the light is here, not tomorrow. NOW
Walking your own path and discerning what is right for you and all of us is so crucial.
There will be lots of distracting information offered, more lies and more fear spread amongst humanity. You have the confidence to see and listen what is your truth. Stay on and walk your truth and be your true self.
I love this life of mine and I love my journey with all that it brings. Some days are sunny and some are rainy. But at the end of the day it is in balance and harmony.
To make this world a better place, to make it to the ultimate shift.
WE need you. This beautiful, perfect and filled with love and light YOU!.
Now I will leave you to take stock, paint your picture and I will see you soon . . . . in our perfect world.
In love, light and lightness
Now there are so many people out there talking about spirituality and changing the world, and am still so often surprised they do not get it, that they first have to clean their own front yard and not look outside for changes.
What I mean by this is, we as humanity have been now following blindly so many things in our lives for eons, that we have to learn to be ourselves. Grow an own voice, own ears and own lives.
For so long it seems to me, we did not have our own identity, and have been handed over our parents baggage and eaten up all we have been served by others. We kept quiet.
It is time now, with the flow of these energies, and awakening of so many others, to start cleaning up ones inner selves and take stock.
Honesty - towards oneself is a rather challenging thing to accept. Just look, when you in an argument and the other person tells you: you have to change . . .
OH do we get mad and offensive??? Me changing? What is wrong with me? You change!! BAM!!
Why we getting so offensive? Why is our ego getting so offensive?
Because it is uncomfortable to look with in and deal with pain? Same old same old is so comfy?
Write down or paint your perfect life, how you want to be, your friends, your kids, your partner and ultimately your world.
Then take stock and start within. YES start with YOU!!! You have forgotten how many outstanding qualities and gifts you have. How much magic there is inside of you. A love just wanting to be discovered and be let free to roam.
YOU, are wonderful and magical being.
Stop looking on the outside to make yourself better, your kids, your friends and your world.
YOU, have it all to make the change for yourself and for us all.
Become aware of, how your unique magnificent light has an impact on your surrounding. Like the drop of water which makes the clear sea ripple.
This awareness is so important for you to make these steps, to become the best you can be.
I cannot give you a receipt on what and how to do things. As I already mentioned, there are a million of us awakening and there are million different stories and ways to be chosen.
You are you, and your journey is yours. Yes please, read, discuss and share as much as you can. But please ~ be aware it is yours alone. This awakening ~ his journey.
Take in the info and let it sink in and resonate with you. Take what is good and leave behind what is not serving you.
The time of walking in the light is here, not tomorrow. NOW
Walking your own path and discerning what is right for you and all of us is so crucial.
There will be lots of distracting information offered, more lies and more fear spread amongst humanity. You have the confidence to see and listen what is your truth. Stay on and walk your truth and be your true self.
I love this life of mine and I love my journey with all that it brings. Some days are sunny and some are rainy. But at the end of the day it is in balance and harmony.
To make this world a better place, to make it to the ultimate shift.
WE need you. This beautiful, perfect and filled with love and light YOU!.
Now I will leave you to take stock, paint your picture and I will see you soon . . . . in our perfect world.
In love, light and lightness
Friday, June 17, 2011
Old habits die hard
Have you ever had the feeling of being in a situation and looking at it and thinking:
I should now get upset? or: I used to get upset now?
This is a very good state to be in. You asking why? As perhaps consciously or subconsciously you are in a state of balance and yes good on your way of being aware of your true self.
See, when one is asleep aka not aware what is going on, one is re-acting instead of acting. Emotions run wild and one attracts more of the same old same old, because 1) it is comfortable even though it is painful (even not perceived as such) and 2) it is a habit. YES a wonderful habit of reacting. And how annoying is that!
Now when one starts releasing old believe systems and pains, and increasingly is in a state of joy and happiness, it gets scary. Scary not because of woohoo, because one is not use to just BEing and just all is ok. Despite perhaps things in closer range should make one freak out and behave like the “old” maniac. One stays for more and more moments in: it is ok as it is and I deal with it as it comes.
THESE moments are so precious. One ACTS out of a space of true self-awareness and out of this new opportunities and solutions occur.
Often feelings of guilty and why do I feel now so good and am just relaxed where I should be unhappy or angry etc..
Believe me, when you in the state of just BE, this great state of being on a high ~ somebody with a dark cloud hanging over your head will try to get you down.
DO NOT again DO NOT feel guilty. YOU are HAPPY. Happiness is a choice and on this journey sometimes hard work.
But as we have been living for eons in an unaware state, fear and all its emotions have become second nature to us. The days and years we have been told this is how you have to feel and do and think. We thought it is us! Sorry to disappoint you there, it is not us. Perhaps it has in a way shaped us for who we are right now, but it is not our true us.
All this screaming and shouting and kicking and and and have become a bad habit. To let them go might take a day or two (or years . . in my case LOL)
Choose to be happy and in peace and choose to let go of the habits of the past involving fear and what comes with it. It is your birthright!!!
Now for example you leaving a relationship which has not served you in a long time. It doesn’t have to be in right or wrong and bad words and feelings just because million of other relationships ended like this. YOU choose. If the other person thinks being calm and collected about the break up means another chance – their stuff. Not yours. Speak clear and calm and kind, from your place from within.
Let go of this bad habits of feeling guilty when you actually at peace. One habit and step at the time.
Am wishing you well and be kind to yourself
Love and light and lightness on this wonderful journey
Diana x
PS: of course as always as it resonates with you
I should now get upset? or: I used to get upset now?
This is a very good state to be in. You asking why? As perhaps consciously or subconsciously you are in a state of balance and yes good on your way of being aware of your true self.
See, when one is asleep aka not aware what is going on, one is re-acting instead of acting. Emotions run wild and one attracts more of the same old same old, because 1) it is comfortable even though it is painful (even not perceived as such) and 2) it is a habit. YES a wonderful habit of reacting. And how annoying is that!
Now when one starts releasing old believe systems and pains, and increasingly is in a state of joy and happiness, it gets scary. Scary not because of woohoo, because one is not use to just BEing and just all is ok. Despite perhaps things in closer range should make one freak out and behave like the “old” maniac. One stays for more and more moments in: it is ok as it is and I deal with it as it comes.
THESE moments are so precious. One ACTS out of a space of true self-awareness and out of this new opportunities and solutions occur.
Often feelings of guilty and why do I feel now so good and am just relaxed where I should be unhappy or angry etc..
Believe me, when you in the state of just BE, this great state of being on a high ~ somebody with a dark cloud hanging over your head will try to get you down.
DO NOT again DO NOT feel guilty. YOU are HAPPY. Happiness is a choice and on this journey sometimes hard work.
But as we have been living for eons in an unaware state, fear and all its emotions have become second nature to us. The days and years we have been told this is how you have to feel and do and think. We thought it is us! Sorry to disappoint you there, it is not us. Perhaps it has in a way shaped us for who we are right now, but it is not our true us.
All this screaming and shouting and kicking and and and have become a bad habit. To let them go might take a day or two (or years . . in my case LOL)
Choose to be happy and in peace and choose to let go of the habits of the past involving fear and what comes with it. It is your birthright!!!
Now for example you leaving a relationship which has not served you in a long time. It doesn’t have to be in right or wrong and bad words and feelings just because million of other relationships ended like this. YOU choose. If the other person thinks being calm and collected about the break up means another chance – their stuff. Not yours. Speak clear and calm and kind, from your place from within.
Let go of this bad habits of feeling guilty when you actually at peace. One habit and step at the time.
Am wishing you well and be kind to yourself
Love and light and lightness on this wonderful journey
Diana x
PS: of course as always as it resonates with you
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Separate To Heal Separation
As I am reading all these channeled letters and messages, it is most of the time the talk about healing our separation to God (or Source/Universe whatever resonates with you). Remembering and becoming again who we truly are.
But who are we if we not us? We are of course who we are . . but not aware of it who we truly are. This is a good one
Well, we were raised and lived for many eons in fear and all that comes with it. Anger, envy and and and. Further some of us living a life which is not even close to being mindful or the NOW.
Preferring the past (which of course cannot be changed) or the future (which we have no power over) More, we have been taught to live in a certain way otherwise we nobody and we are worth nothing and are not loved. Even though humanity is starting to awaken, and we can see this in so many little things and ways, there is still so much fear being created. Almost like frantically to prevent this incoming light to expand. Which of course cannot be stopped anymore.
Sorry, lets get back to the separation. Now this old view of live and one owns person exist. It is a habit, daily routine and just a way of living. In the past one could not even see the difference on how one gets manipulated and how many things are happening and are beyond cruelty. We thought it is ok this way, we have been fed somebody else's truth and we took it. No questions asked.
We have been living with a heavy heart I would like to say. Breathing was mare panting then taking wonderful deep breaths, Walking hollow puppets. Our soul and heart and true inner self caged in.
Been taught, that reality is what is out there. What you see and what you read. Felt lonely in a world filled with people. Angry and lost. Just cold all over the place, even though the sun was warming.
THIS is being separated. From oneself and from Source/GOD (see above please). So how now healing this separation and returning to who we really are and to God ( . . .)?
Become ONE with all that is – LOVE!
Easy, remember and feel who you are, let go of all that is not serving you and tataaaaaaa done!
(am laughing) of course it might sound a bit easier than done. But its doable!
See, there will be lots and lots of influences and energies out there, wanting to stop you from discovering it. Your ego self, because it was in charge of YOUR life and some all the others around you, thinking you are crazy believing one can create ones own reality and life. FEAR! Fear is the root of most evil I would like to say (cautiously). Fear keeps you back and boy, this is the last thing you need for separating your old self to heal the separation from your true self and Source (…)
When it come to forces from outside wanting to keep you in the old, think the best is to bless it and turn away and just walk and leave behind. This is what has worked for me the best, so far. Is not always a quick thing to do. But ulitmately I think the best. Let go and let God and just walk away from it. Peacefully!
Once you have discovered all this what you have learned and you started un-learning again and listening to your inner voice, you will find life becomes so much easier. Yes of course there will be moments of fire spitting and raging, but Hej . . show me one ego which is happy to be put on the backseat where it had the drivers seat before and tons of clashes with other beings because of the separation process. The seeing of two realties happening and not knowing for a few moments where one belongs. All good. Totally normal (whatever you can call normal ?!)
See, all this is just peeling the layers of your old self. Letting go of old habits and routines, thought patterns and belief systems. Which of course can be scary. What was the most “scariest” for me was, that I was seeing through so many things I have accepted as ok, which is not. Accepted as truth, which is not. Accepted behavior and actions, which are not. It took me into a spiral of unbelievable craziness. A spiral which I couldn’t get out at first. Then it started settling down, the dust of it all. When the separation of the old is happening and you find your true self - it all calms down.
You will find your purpose, your own mission. The very own thing you good at in assisting to make this world a better place. Can be a small thing for you, but a HUGE thing for us all. It is so easy to support others on their mission/projects, actually all becomes so easy. No more judgment, no more anger. One truly starts living in a world created from the heart. Which is pure bliss – pure love.
Yes it may take a day or two (or perhaps longer ) to get this one separation done and heal the other. But once one has opened up ~ it is just flowing.
Some hick ups on the way, but that is ok.
So separate from the old, as it is out dated and dusty. Allow the new to shine and let go of the old.
It is time. It is time we heal and return to who we truly are. BEings of love and light. A part of God/Source (…) Nothing ever what has been made by men can ever ever replace this love.
We are BEings of such great magnificent, that for the old self it is hard to understand and treated with fear. Just let it happen, if you need help . . just call silently and you will feel it.
Will love and leave you and wishing you a wonderful time in healing and remembering.
Please take as always what resonates with you.
Thanks for your time.
Am wishing you love, light and lightness on this wonderful journey.
D xox
But who are we if we not us? We are of course who we are . . but not aware of it who we truly are. This is a good one
Well, we were raised and lived for many eons in fear and all that comes with it. Anger, envy and and and. Further some of us living a life which is not even close to being mindful or the NOW.
Preferring the past (which of course cannot be changed) or the future (which we have no power over) More, we have been taught to live in a certain way otherwise we nobody and we are worth nothing and are not loved. Even though humanity is starting to awaken, and we can see this in so many little things and ways, there is still so much fear being created. Almost like frantically to prevent this incoming light to expand. Which of course cannot be stopped anymore.
Sorry, lets get back to the separation. Now this old view of live and one owns person exist. It is a habit, daily routine and just a way of living. In the past one could not even see the difference on how one gets manipulated and how many things are happening and are beyond cruelty. We thought it is ok this way, we have been fed somebody else's truth and we took it. No questions asked.
We have been living with a heavy heart I would like to say. Breathing was mare panting then taking wonderful deep breaths, Walking hollow puppets. Our soul and heart and true inner self caged in.
Been taught, that reality is what is out there. What you see and what you read. Felt lonely in a world filled with people. Angry and lost. Just cold all over the place, even though the sun was warming.
THIS is being separated. From oneself and from Source/GOD (see above please). So how now healing this separation and returning to who we really are and to God ( . . .)?
Become ONE with all that is – LOVE!
Easy, remember and feel who you are, let go of all that is not serving you and tataaaaaaa done!
(am laughing) of course it might sound a bit easier than done. But its doable!
See, there will be lots and lots of influences and energies out there, wanting to stop you from discovering it. Your ego self, because it was in charge of YOUR life and some all the others around you, thinking you are crazy believing one can create ones own reality and life. FEAR! Fear is the root of most evil I would like to say (cautiously). Fear keeps you back and boy, this is the last thing you need for separating your old self to heal the separation from your true self and Source (…)
When it come to forces from outside wanting to keep you in the old, think the best is to bless it and turn away and just walk and leave behind. This is what has worked for me the best, so far. Is not always a quick thing to do. But ulitmately I think the best. Let go and let God and just walk away from it. Peacefully!
Once you have discovered all this what you have learned and you started un-learning again and listening to your inner voice, you will find life becomes so much easier. Yes of course there will be moments of fire spitting and raging, but Hej . . show me one ego which is happy to be put on the backseat where it had the drivers seat before and tons of clashes with other beings because of the separation process. The seeing of two realties happening and not knowing for a few moments where one belongs. All good. Totally normal (whatever you can call normal ?!)
See, all this is just peeling the layers of your old self. Letting go of old habits and routines, thought patterns and belief systems. Which of course can be scary. What was the most “scariest” for me was, that I was seeing through so many things I have accepted as ok, which is not. Accepted as truth, which is not. Accepted behavior and actions, which are not. It took me into a spiral of unbelievable craziness. A spiral which I couldn’t get out at first. Then it started settling down, the dust of it all. When the separation of the old is happening and you find your true self - it all calms down.
You will find your purpose, your own mission. The very own thing you good at in assisting to make this world a better place. Can be a small thing for you, but a HUGE thing for us all. It is so easy to support others on their mission/projects, actually all becomes so easy. No more judgment, no more anger. One truly starts living in a world created from the heart. Which is pure bliss – pure love.
Yes it may take a day or two (or perhaps longer ) to get this one separation done and heal the other. But once one has opened up ~ it is just flowing.
Some hick ups on the way, but that is ok.
So separate from the old, as it is out dated and dusty. Allow the new to shine and let go of the old.
It is time. It is time we heal and return to who we truly are. BEings of love and light. A part of God/Source (…) Nothing ever what has been made by men can ever ever replace this love.
We are BEings of such great magnificent, that for the old self it is hard to understand and treated with fear. Just let it happen, if you need help . . just call silently and you will feel it.
Will love and leave you and wishing you a wonderful time in healing and remembering.
Please take as always what resonates with you.
Thanks for your time.
Am wishing you love, light and lightness on this wonderful journey.
D xox
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Relationships ~ Relationships and some more of it
I was yesterday at a friends place just quickly (as quickly we women do a quick visit ) and I had another Epiphany moment. YES another one. Well we are talking about our relationships and journeys and about releasing and and and.
We all know that a lesson will follow us till we have learned it and relationships are mirrors of our selves. Not always, but often. So I was now mind boggled for month now, that I am rather well on my journey to my true self, but am still stuck in this relationship. Challenging I can say. yes I do love this person, but know as well that he is my teacher. Becoming more and more aware of all that is, can be at some times rather frustrating.
You know being on a spiritual journey doesn’t mean we have to pick each and every situation out of proportion and OVER analyze it. As then we are in the left side of the brain and ego is talking too. Often we have to be still and be in the right side of the brain, to be able to receive the answer.
Now that my friend and I were standing at the gate (remember short visit) we came to get to the point. About how it is our choice to stay in challenging relationships and/or to move on. My point is, yes I am ready to move on and out, believe you me. BUT and this is a bit one, my concern is here, will I repeat the lesson. As I feel I am still here where I am and just not getting it. Five years later – man I am so tired! And she said: yes Diana, it is till we find out what the repetitive situation is and this is what we need to learn aka release. FIVE years, give me a break. I can see NOTHING!!! How much longer.
We came to talk about EFT and that I would need to get some own sessions before being let out to the public . So I mentioned that in certain situations I am leaving my wonderful loving self and turning into this supermonsterbitch. In rage, spiting fire, claws out . . .you name it. BAM!!!!
Epiphany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There it is!! The repetitive situation. This challenging situation repeating itself over and over again. Universe made sure it is CONSTANTLY!!! But SO in my face and SO sore!! I needed five years to get it. Meaning perhaps I am now ready to release and perhaps this is as well the reason that my new house is ONLY available mid of June. Enough time to become aware of the whole thing and start releasing and breathing and releasing.
Now what does it mean for all of us out here. Yes it can take time. And yes you are still a wonderful person and loving. Nothing wrong with you. It just takes as long as it takes. Set boundaries, feel them what is right for you. BE loving towards yourself. Do not over analyze. When you ready, God will send you a sign and you will know. Trust me. YOU will know. So if you walk away from your lesson today and you haven’t learned it. It will follow you. New face, new place and new everything – BUT SAME LESSON. You will feel when you ready and when the lesson is learned. Promise!
Once you start waking up, there is no return. Sorry. You have to get through this and just let go of all that what is not serving anymore. This is the reason why we attracting these Teachers (which can be a pain in the back side for some time) into our lives. To learn and to remember. Like with all we learn, sometimes we get it right away and sometimes it has to be repeated till we get it. Do not beat yourself up now and check everything what is happening if it is repeating itself. As sometimes it can be some sort of “side effect” or it can be a catalysator.
BE good to yourself and LOVE yourself. Write a gratitude journal (YIP it helps, DO DAILY)
I leave you for today and am grateful for your time. Please take only what resonates with you.
Sending you love and light and lightness.
Diana x
We all know that a lesson will follow us till we have learned it and relationships are mirrors of our selves. Not always, but often. So I was now mind boggled for month now, that I am rather well on my journey to my true self, but am still stuck in this relationship. Challenging I can say. yes I do love this person, but know as well that he is my teacher. Becoming more and more aware of all that is, can be at some times rather frustrating.
You know being on a spiritual journey doesn’t mean we have to pick each and every situation out of proportion and OVER analyze it. As then we are in the left side of the brain and ego is talking too. Often we have to be still and be in the right side of the brain, to be able to receive the answer.
Now that my friend and I were standing at the gate (remember short visit) we came to get to the point. About how it is our choice to stay in challenging relationships and/or to move on. My point is, yes I am ready to move on and out, believe you me. BUT and this is a bit one, my concern is here, will I repeat the lesson. As I feel I am still here where I am and just not getting it. Five years later – man I am so tired! And she said: yes Diana, it is till we find out what the repetitive situation is and this is what we need to learn aka release. FIVE years, give me a break. I can see NOTHING!!! How much longer.
We came to talk about EFT and that I would need to get some own sessions before being let out to the public . So I mentioned that in certain situations I am leaving my wonderful loving self and turning into this supermonsterbitch. In rage, spiting fire, claws out . . .you name it. BAM!!!!
Epiphany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There it is!! The repetitive situation. This challenging situation repeating itself over and over again. Universe made sure it is CONSTANTLY!!! But SO in my face and SO sore!! I needed five years to get it. Meaning perhaps I am now ready to release and perhaps this is as well the reason that my new house is ONLY available mid of June. Enough time to become aware of the whole thing and start releasing and breathing and releasing.
Now what does it mean for all of us out here. Yes it can take time. And yes you are still a wonderful person and loving. Nothing wrong with you. It just takes as long as it takes. Set boundaries, feel them what is right for you. BE loving towards yourself. Do not over analyze. When you ready, God will send you a sign and you will know. Trust me. YOU will know. So if you walk away from your lesson today and you haven’t learned it. It will follow you. New face, new place and new everything – BUT SAME LESSON. You will feel when you ready and when the lesson is learned. Promise!
Once you start waking up, there is no return. Sorry. You have to get through this and just let go of all that what is not serving anymore. This is the reason why we attracting these Teachers (which can be a pain in the back side for some time) into our lives. To learn and to remember. Like with all we learn, sometimes we get it right away and sometimes it has to be repeated till we get it. Do not beat yourself up now and check everything what is happening if it is repeating itself. As sometimes it can be some sort of “side effect” or it can be a catalysator.
BE good to yourself and LOVE yourself. Write a gratitude journal (YIP it helps, DO DAILY)
I leave you for today and am grateful for your time. Please take only what resonates with you.
Sending you love and light and lightness.
Diana x
Saturday, April 23, 2011
My Epiphany Moment Whilst Manifesting
Hi there all,
as you can see I haven’t written in a while. As I was busy letting go and releasing and letting go some more and to be honest had to remind myself at some stage: BREATH Diana BREATH!!
As I was in the midst of this all I came too understand a few things. This is perhaps why we go forward and backwards to release on a much deeper level. The deeper the better.
So as we becoming more and more aware of what is old and new reality, I have found that manifesting is a hit. Intent today – reality tomorrow! YEAH!
OH hold a second here. . . . Do you know that saying: Universe/God is testing you if you really really want it? Yes? Well I think I have come behind this one. It is not Universe nor God or Source.
Because, let me have a share. it is just between you and I
I am right now in circumstances which are not favorable to live in and for my new self to strive. So I have now finally made an intent to move on and let fear behind. It was so pure the intent that between the first positive respond and manifesting was no time difference then lets say 48hrs?
My new home!! I have found a new home. Right now, there are still tenants in, which have to leave. Now listen, after I have heard: Yes Diana, the house is yours (this was beginning April) my first thought was (ego??) Oh . . ahm . . yes . .OK . ..Oh I am going to move latest mid of May.
You know what has happen? Due to legal papers, all has been delayed till now the 10th May 2011.Do you get what I am saying??
It is nobody else making our delays in making our dreams come true – then us?!
Self doubt and ego holding us back, creating this subtle fear, which is so subtle that we fooling ourselves with it.
We need to understand one thing, we are beings of such powerful and magical energy that we can create whatever we want and whenever we want.
We just allowing the old reality to get us back, we allowing to slip back into this density because we doubting our capability of creating!
If there is anything you want to achieve, do it, put it out there and believe have faith and do not allow fear/ego to mess with it. As we can create the good and wonderful, we creating as well the mess we in. Consciously or subconsciously. Our egos are so good at that, that we “manipulating” others in stopping us. This is even better, so we do not have to blame ourselves.
No better moment than NOW. You want to do something? Do it NOW, not tomorrow or later – NOW!
Be aware when those self sabotaging moments occur and take them with a pinch of salt and let it go. Smile and consciously get back into the happy new self, which you know you are.
And all will work out.
God/Universe is just waiting for you to decide what and how, anytime! Your call!
So remember next time you creating? Create from the heart and ask self doubt and ego to take a hike.
Happy creating and manifesting. I am packing to move now mid of May
Please take as it resonates with you.
Hope to see you next time.
Love, light and lightness
Diana x
as you can see I haven’t written in a while. As I was busy letting go and releasing and letting go some more and to be honest had to remind myself at some stage: BREATH Diana BREATH!!
As I was in the midst of this all I came too understand a few things. This is perhaps why we go forward and backwards to release on a much deeper level. The deeper the better.
So as we becoming more and more aware of what is old and new reality, I have found that manifesting is a hit. Intent today – reality tomorrow! YEAH!
OH hold a second here. . . . Do you know that saying: Universe/God is testing you if you really really want it? Yes? Well I think I have come behind this one. It is not Universe nor God or Source.
Because, let me have a share. it is just between you and I
I am right now in circumstances which are not favorable to live in and for my new self to strive. So I have now finally made an intent to move on and let fear behind. It was so pure the intent that between the first positive respond and manifesting was no time difference then lets say 48hrs?
My new home!! I have found a new home. Right now, there are still tenants in, which have to leave. Now listen, after I have heard: Yes Diana, the house is yours (this was beginning April) my first thought was (ego??) Oh . . ahm . . yes . .OK . ..Oh I am going to move latest mid of May.
You know what has happen? Due to legal papers, all has been delayed till now the 10th May 2011.Do you get what I am saying??
It is nobody else making our delays in making our dreams come true – then us?!
Self doubt and ego holding us back, creating this subtle fear, which is so subtle that we fooling ourselves with it.
We need to understand one thing, we are beings of such powerful and magical energy that we can create whatever we want and whenever we want.
We just allowing the old reality to get us back, we allowing to slip back into this density because we doubting our capability of creating!
If there is anything you want to achieve, do it, put it out there and believe have faith and do not allow fear/ego to mess with it. As we can create the good and wonderful, we creating as well the mess we in. Consciously or subconsciously. Our egos are so good at that, that we “manipulating” others in stopping us. This is even better, so we do not have to blame ourselves.
No better moment than NOW. You want to do something? Do it NOW, not tomorrow or later – NOW!
Be aware when those self sabotaging moments occur and take them with a pinch of salt and let it go. Smile and consciously get back into the happy new self, which you know you are.
And all will work out.
God/Universe is just waiting for you to decide what and how, anytime! Your call!
So remember next time you creating? Create from the heart and ask self doubt and ego to take a hike.
Happy creating and manifesting. I am packing to move now mid of May
Please take as it resonates with you.
Hope to see you next time.
Love, light and lightness
Diana x
Monday, March 21, 2011
The cycle of life
Hope you all have had a wonderful Super Moon and Equinox. How are these energies flowing?
Lots has happened since my last blog. The light is making finally very openly its way on this earth plane. Very exciting and very reassuring. It has become liberating to speak up and to change old into new and better. Traumatic events shook the communities with the earthquake in New Zealand and the most recent one in Japan.
These all have to do as well with cycles of life. Yes the most famous ones of course are birth and death and the seven year cycles, just to name two.
What I would like to share with you today are smaller cycles and circles; which are happening on a daily basis. Have you ever looked back at certain events and lesson to be learned and learned?
This is an interesting one. A few days back a friend of mine approached me and told me, she is so excited as the cycle with work and home is coming to an end. And with every end we know – comes a new beginning. I wished her well, but to be honest at first didn’t have a clue what she meant.
Till about two days later it hit me – like a train – right into my face. It was so clear!!!
I am about as well to finish up one of mine. Now you can imagine how excited I am!
Let me explain: Each lesson or lessons you have to learn takes you on a journey and is a cycle. This journey will get you in touch with all you need to learn and remember who you truly are. Means you will meet people and will be in situations which will trigger what you need to release and let go. Yes, perhaps one could as well say you working through your Karma. So of course we are humans and have learned so many things and one of them is – do not listen to your inner voice, do not allow your instinct to guide you nor your heart. Let ego and let brain!!! Yeah. So how much fun is this (please note my underlying sarcasm).
Of course the less one listens to ones inner guidance, the more God (please whichever source resonates with you) will “nudge” you to start remembering. The less you in a way willing to learn and remember the more you will feel the “nudges” as they might be not so gentle anymore.
The lessons stay the same, but your circumstances and peoples faces will change. At first of course one might not be able to see it, till the moment one becomes the director of one owns life. This is the moment, when you start learning and releasing. Depending how deep rooted your lesson is, it might take some time to let go. But it will eventually happen. This would mean your journey is finished and you ending a cycle.
For example you started your journey off in a specific town or suburb, and as you were learning you moved to new places and met new people, but your lesson stayed the same. Once you understood what it was about and released what needed to go, you moved back to the same city or suburb.
THIS is just an example. Each souls journey of course is different.
Now what I am thinking here is that it should be possible in a state of awareness to look at ones life from outside in. Be the observer, see the patterns and shortens on cycle aka journey. As I think too, that we have different journeys in one life time. And perhaps that there could be more than one cycle at the time – overlapping. Almost like in geometric.
So it is very exiting to KNOW what is happening and just allow the flow to carry you to the finish line.
Where you of course pop the champagne to celebrate the end with a new beginning.
I think the most important part is to be gentle, as it is as it is and it takes as long as it takes. And the best part is, it is all in divine order. So – do not stress. It is OK. And you are exactly there where you suppose to be. It is exciting, even if you think at the moment: Man – not again . . .
It is a game it is a journey. Enjoy it, ease up your challenges and find things to be grateful for.
Listen to your heart and as always what resonates with you.
Thanks for your time and till next time.
Am sending you love, light and lightness on your journey
Diana x
Lots has happened since my last blog. The light is making finally very openly its way on this earth plane. Very exciting and very reassuring. It has become liberating to speak up and to change old into new and better. Traumatic events shook the communities with the earthquake in New Zealand and the most recent one in Japan.
These all have to do as well with cycles of life. Yes the most famous ones of course are birth and death and the seven year cycles, just to name two.
What I would like to share with you today are smaller cycles and circles; which are happening on a daily basis. Have you ever looked back at certain events and lesson to be learned and learned?
This is an interesting one. A few days back a friend of mine approached me and told me, she is so excited as the cycle with work and home is coming to an end. And with every end we know – comes a new beginning. I wished her well, but to be honest at first didn’t have a clue what she meant.
Till about two days later it hit me – like a train – right into my face. It was so clear!!!
I am about as well to finish up one of mine. Now you can imagine how excited I am!
Let me explain: Each lesson or lessons you have to learn takes you on a journey and is a cycle. This journey will get you in touch with all you need to learn and remember who you truly are. Means you will meet people and will be in situations which will trigger what you need to release and let go. Yes, perhaps one could as well say you working through your Karma. So of course we are humans and have learned so many things and one of them is – do not listen to your inner voice, do not allow your instinct to guide you nor your heart. Let ego and let brain!!! Yeah. So how much fun is this (please note my underlying sarcasm).
Of course the less one listens to ones inner guidance, the more God (please whichever source resonates with you) will “nudge” you to start remembering. The less you in a way willing to learn and remember the more you will feel the “nudges” as they might be not so gentle anymore.
The lessons stay the same, but your circumstances and peoples faces will change. At first of course one might not be able to see it, till the moment one becomes the director of one owns life. This is the moment, when you start learning and releasing. Depending how deep rooted your lesson is, it might take some time to let go. But it will eventually happen. This would mean your journey is finished and you ending a cycle.
For example you started your journey off in a specific town or suburb, and as you were learning you moved to new places and met new people, but your lesson stayed the same. Once you understood what it was about and released what needed to go, you moved back to the same city or suburb.
THIS is just an example. Each souls journey of course is different.
Now what I am thinking here is that it should be possible in a state of awareness to look at ones life from outside in. Be the observer, see the patterns and shortens on cycle aka journey. As I think too, that we have different journeys in one life time. And perhaps that there could be more than one cycle at the time – overlapping. Almost like in geometric.
So it is very exiting to KNOW what is happening and just allow the flow to carry you to the finish line.
Where you of course pop the champagne to celebrate the end with a new beginning.
I think the most important part is to be gentle, as it is as it is and it takes as long as it takes. And the best part is, it is all in divine order. So – do not stress. It is OK. And you are exactly there where you suppose to be. It is exciting, even if you think at the moment: Man – not again . . .
It is a game it is a journey. Enjoy it, ease up your challenges and find things to be grateful for.
Listen to your heart and as always what resonates with you.
Thanks for your time and till next time.
Am sending you love, light and lightness on your journey
Diana x
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Travelling light
What a few days it has been. I could barely carry my body, was tired, angry and emotional.Nope – sorry . . not PMS . It began with the solar flares,then full moon and after all that – recovery. I felt like a truck hit me. BAM!!! Even doing the dishes was a mission and almost ended up in impossible.Luckily the breathing comes now again easier.
But mostly what I realized what has happened for me the past days was the following (believe me I saw it coming for a while now) I was holding on to so many things. And I was getting lost with little things which are not even worth holding on to. These things were keeping me from being in the moment and in the flow. You can feel you not in the flow when you start breathing a bit more shallow, when you get uptight and stressed. No flow = you keeping it in and blocking up. An emotional and/or energetic constipation. To get this flow going again, you actually need to feel and know that your energy and emotions are stuck. Still then it is a huffing and a chaffing. Let say for me that was and still is.
You know, I think we get stuck when our head and ego gets secretly working again. What I mean by that is, we are not making decisions coming from our heart. Again we have ignored the voice inside and let head lead. And it was a block up. See, when things like this happen you will feel and see it right away. Normally, not me of course. I had to dig and do and only once Source or God (or what ever higher power resonates with you) has kicked my backside to get my out of the goo. Which was, when I phoned the school I wanted my boy to attend and they reasoned due to circumstances they wouldn’t accept him. BAM!!!!! All of the sudden I was light as a feather, I was clear. Just like that. I realized that for days I have been holding on to an idea and it was not right. So let it go!
Further I think for me important was to realize that forgiveness is a big key factor in letting go of old thoughts and ideas. Why I am mentioning forgiveness is, as this thought has been following me the whole day. Each e-mail, conversation, you name it reminded me of: FORGIVENESS. And now that I am looking back, lately I get those flashbacks. You know these ones, when you remember an embarrassing moment? An angry but totally useless action? When you still till today can feel the e-motion?
Exactly these I am getting. Then I take a moment. Feel the feelings again and forgive myself for whatever I did or didn’t do. Smile and say: it is OK, you didn’t know better. Send some love and let it go. Easy peasy! Sometimes if I have to do this more than once, it is depending how much I am (actually ego is) holding on to the issue. So since quite a while now, it is almost like your laptop is doing a security check, my memory is being checked and released. I have to admit too, that often now thoughts are getting processed so quickly that I sometimes cannot even remember what happen yesterday (except it has to do with my boy)
When we embark on our journey we start letting go of all that doesn’t serve us anymore (consciously and unconsciously). Being it old ways of doing things, thinking, work and relationships, you name it. Some things get released easily and some take time. Depending how deeply routed it is, whatever needs to be released. Forgiving and therefore being compassionate makes room for love. So once we know how to forgive ourselves, we let go of heavy stuff and let love take the reign and we will be able to forgive others and love freely.
Sometimes we get pushed hard to get out of certain situations to get going. Often what keeps us back are relationships, animals and worldly goods. To let these go can be sometimes painful and confusing. Eventually when we let go, it is like a rebirth. Growing wings and learning to fly. To be able to manifest and live a life we truly want, we need to be our true essence self. We cannot manifest in somebodies else's life. We will attract the right people to join us, once we are who we are! As we cannot wake those up still sleeping. We cannot make those still asleep, see what we seeing or feel what we feeling. Your life – your journey. Their life – their journey.
Travel lite and don’t worry about anything. Have your dreams in your heart and walk. Have faith, as there might be days when you cannot see nor imagine where you going and your heart is leading you safely where you have to be. Do not worry about a thing and have faith as the TRUE needs will be met. Always. Everything else what ego tells you, you might need are desires. Nothing wrong with it, just for now maybe not what you need?! (whilst I am writing you this . .am preaching to myself).
Let go of the past, do not live in the future. Be in the NOW. Nothing else matters. Create from this space forward and let go what takes you out of your center and balance.
I would like to quote a nutty friend of mine: life is like a song. Sing and dance, it doesn’t matter how many instruments (i.e. dreams/projects) you have to sing the song. As long as you sing! So it is!
Travel light and as always what resonates with you.
Thanks for being with me and till next time.
Am sending you love, light and lightness on your journey.
Diana x
But mostly what I realized what has happened for me the past days was the following (believe me I saw it coming for a while now) I was holding on to so many things. And I was getting lost with little things which are not even worth holding on to. These things were keeping me from being in the moment and in the flow. You can feel you not in the flow when you start breathing a bit more shallow, when you get uptight and stressed. No flow = you keeping it in and blocking up. An emotional and/or energetic constipation. To get this flow going again, you actually need to feel and know that your energy and emotions are stuck. Still then it is a huffing and a chaffing. Let say for me that was and still is.
You know, I think we get stuck when our head and ego gets secretly working again. What I mean by that is, we are not making decisions coming from our heart. Again we have ignored the voice inside and let head lead. And it was a block up. See, when things like this happen you will feel and see it right away. Normally, not me of course. I had to dig and do and only once Source or God (or what ever higher power resonates with you) has kicked my backside to get my out of the goo. Which was, when I phoned the school I wanted my boy to attend and they reasoned due to circumstances they wouldn’t accept him. BAM!!!!! All of the sudden I was light as a feather, I was clear. Just like that. I realized that for days I have been holding on to an idea and it was not right. So let it go!
Further I think for me important was to realize that forgiveness is a big key factor in letting go of old thoughts and ideas. Why I am mentioning forgiveness is, as this thought has been following me the whole day. Each e-mail, conversation, you name it reminded me of: FORGIVENESS. And now that I am looking back, lately I get those flashbacks. You know these ones, when you remember an embarrassing moment? An angry but totally useless action? When you still till today can feel the e-motion?
Exactly these I am getting. Then I take a moment. Feel the feelings again and forgive myself for whatever I did or didn’t do. Smile and say: it is OK, you didn’t know better. Send some love and let it go. Easy peasy! Sometimes if I have to do this more than once, it is depending how much I am (actually ego is) holding on to the issue. So since quite a while now, it is almost like your laptop is doing a security check, my memory is being checked and released. I have to admit too, that often now thoughts are getting processed so quickly that I sometimes cannot even remember what happen yesterday (except it has to do with my boy)
When we embark on our journey we start letting go of all that doesn’t serve us anymore (consciously and unconsciously). Being it old ways of doing things, thinking, work and relationships, you name it. Some things get released easily and some take time. Depending how deeply routed it is, whatever needs to be released. Forgiving and therefore being compassionate makes room for love. So once we know how to forgive ourselves, we let go of heavy stuff and let love take the reign and we will be able to forgive others and love freely.
Sometimes we get pushed hard to get out of certain situations to get going. Often what keeps us back are relationships, animals and worldly goods. To let these go can be sometimes painful and confusing. Eventually when we let go, it is like a rebirth. Growing wings and learning to fly. To be able to manifest and live a life we truly want, we need to be our true essence self. We cannot manifest in somebodies else's life. We will attract the right people to join us, once we are who we are! As we cannot wake those up still sleeping. We cannot make those still asleep, see what we seeing or feel what we feeling. Your life – your journey. Their life – their journey.
Travel lite and don’t worry about anything. Have your dreams in your heart and walk. Have faith, as there might be days when you cannot see nor imagine where you going and your heart is leading you safely where you have to be. Do not worry about a thing and have faith as the TRUE needs will be met. Always. Everything else what ego tells you, you might need are desires. Nothing wrong with it, just for now maybe not what you need?! (whilst I am writing you this . .am preaching to myself).
Let go of the past, do not live in the future. Be in the NOW. Nothing else matters. Create from this space forward and let go what takes you out of your center and balance.
I would like to quote a nutty friend of mine: life is like a song. Sing and dance, it doesn’t matter how many instruments (i.e. dreams/projects) you have to sing the song. As long as you sing! So it is!
Travel light and as always what resonates with you.
Thanks for being with me and till next time.
Am sending you love, light and lightness on your journey.
Diana x
Monday, February 7, 2011
Me, Myself And I - Or Are We Schizo?
Oh boy do I love this subject. As am carrying on reading in various newsletters there are many different kind of point of views on ego and our personality.
Let me give you my five-cent worth of wisdom to this (hope you brought time with you and a glass of wine or cup of tea J)
Have you ever asked yourself out of how many “you” your personality exists?
No, it is not just you and being moody. Sorry this would be far too easy.
See, it actually worked out like this . .. . .
When we were born, we were pure, love and innocent (we still are!!!). And then the world crashed down on us. Parents’ handing down unknowingly their baggage on us, as we grew older society and circumstances nudged and poked us around till it was who we are today.
What it has to do with who we are today? Easy.
Because we were innocent and pure we were not able to understand or cope with some behavior towards others or us. So to fully understand and make us “feel” better, we invented another character to help us. This new character helped us to cope and understand why certain people behaved towards us in a certain way or circumstances surrounding us had to be, the way they were. With time, this coping mechanism became reality for us. It existed, even if it wasn’t true. All this happens till we are in our teens.
Now you can understand, why it is important that children grow up in an environment as healthy as possible. I am deliberately not mentioning NORMAL, as this tends to vary in the eye of the beholder.
So if you lets say a young adult and you had a relatively rough upbringing, wow you are blessed with lots of these characters.
How you can differentiate when who is one and when?
Observe yourself. Ever caught you being nice and easy and friendly and then are on the verge of explosion? Like a Porsche 0 – 250 in 3seconds? YIP, that’s already the two of you. Then check your handwriting. Love this one. Depending how stressed I am or in what mood (or which character) my handwriting is both soft and almost angelic and then I have the biatch handwriting. .I could make a doctor jealous, it is so unreadable.
The being moody is not only a women thing, and guys have it too. Depending on who is pressing your buttons, the characters appear.
And the biggest one of all – EGO!!!!
So it is not fun to have these different sides or characters, but get to know them. Get to know you. Do not judge and be hard on yourself, as we are all the same. Yes different in a way, but all we have these sides and we all have an ego. It is just how you make it work for you, instead of against you.
Become OK with it who you are . .no no no . .doesn’t mean let now the bitch hang out and say: duuhh take it or leave it.
Means, you can choose who you want to be. Nothing on Gods Earth can make you be someone who you don’t want to be.
Now, where Schizo’s just let their characters hang out and are not aware when the switch is happening, we can.
Here the triple A can become kind of a savior to make a change and make it all work for us.
Become aware who you are. What I mean by that, be in the moment in the now when something triggers an anger explosion. Become AWARE of it, next time you can act on it instead of re-act. No, I didn’t say it would work right away. This would be great. If you managed that . . . . . Phone me and please tell me how you did it. As I have been on my journey for quite a while and still discovering some selves.
Which is good, as, as soon you aware of that it is there . . .you can make a change. Hooray.
Ai, this is a tough one. For me that is. Accept who you are, the good sides or selves that of course is easy and the not so pleasant selves or sides.
You know accepting is kind of a surrender. Surrender to what is. You are who you are. A Leopard is never gong to change its spots. Some believes are so rooted inside of us that we cannot extinguish them.
Acceptance makes one compassionate and understanding. Makes one softer, especially towards oneself.
This is another toughy. Has ever somebody taught you how to allow? Not me!! On the contrary, I have been taught first the other and then you. I have the characters inside of me who keep me safe and made me understand, that if I deprive myself of good things, I will be loved and accepted.
So allow things to happen to you. Open your heart and allow it. By allowing a change will occur, a change and balance of the characters inside of you. The biggest change will be, that you will start choosing who you want to be.
Once you OK with who you are and you decide to feed the good wolf, pat the dark wolf and allow him to walk with you. Let him be your driving force, but let the good one decide.
It is exciting and yes lots of self work and sometimes tears. But nobody said it would be easy, but they said it would be worth it.
Once you get this going, boy oh boy, you will get lighter and lighter and you will know when one of your former protector/characters kick in. Some of them with time you will be able to send in retirement.
So maybe Schizos are not so sick at all, maybe . .mmhh who knows, maybe they more normal (whatever that means) than we are.
Today I would like not only thank you for your time, today I have discovered something again. So am grateful that I was allowed to write.
As always what resonates with you.Be good to yourself and have fun with all your selves.
Am sending you love, light and lightness on this amazing journey.
Diana xox
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The War Stops With Me!
I hope you all have had a good start into the New Year and all have felt the amazing healing energies it brings.
You cannot feel them? Well, they are not really obvious as such; you can feel them in your heart once the anger subsides/transforms, and the ego lets go and your heart rules.
The feeling you get when you sit and think: we cannot go on like this and start searching for peaceful solutions.
Let me tell you a story, which has happened today. As you maybe know or not know, I am living in a rural area of South Africa on a farm. I had to come here as it was and seems is still a great lessons to be learned for me. I came here about five years ago. Married consciously into an alcoholic family again and an area of chaos. WOW. But anyway . . .
Since about four years ago I have bought myself my very first pig. Today I have between 19 –26 pigs. Now you need to understand, that I grew up in Germany in a city and have absolutely no clue about pigs. Today, hej am a pro in free range pig farming and even helped one of my pigs birthing! And here we are - pigs.
Pigs are amazing animals and are besides their normal instincts to feed a lot and make lost of piglets, are very socially inclined and intelligent.
So now lots of workers here were we are have pigs, chickens and cows. All VERY free range, meaning they really running around everywhere. As often on the weekend the animals do not get fed (due to drinking of the owner and then let the animal out of the cage and feed in the fields). Pigs, especially if on heat, they will literally climb mountains to mate.
So now, these pigs of the workers break out and break in into my camps and/or my boar is trying to break out. Today was such a case. The police last year was not helpful at all, nor talking nicely or screaming or threatening helped. The workers didn’t listen.
I decided, as the fence to the neighbors farm and the camp of my pigs is one and the same, I will capture the pig, before mine breaking out and ask for some cash to make the workers understand that I was not willing anymore to play games.
Today I was threatened the first time ever here in South Africa by another being with a knife. If I would have stood closer to the fence on my side (do not get me wrong, these people were on my land already and wanting their sow back) I would have been hurt if not killed. Now of course all escalated. Screaming, shouting and the police eventually was called. I was informed that the guy would be taken into custody, as it runs under assault. Me felt a bit at ease that he wouldn’t be around and considering making a case. NOW, hours later (I am still angry and afraid) I see the guy driving around. Phoned again the police, they said I need to lay charges and they would send the van. This was at 5.38pm now it is 11.11pm . . no van.
Of course my mind is going riot, what could I do to get back at all the people on a legal way (justice system is a bit in dyer straits right now her in SA) and resolve the issue to keep my pigs safe and in their camps. Without the workers taking non-paid advantage of my boar to have their sows covered (we not talking about the expenses of fixing the fence all the times).
As my mind was going, I was thinking back to the newsletter I read last night about the last three big vortexes being still open. Middle East, Asia and Africa. And as long these are open there will be heavy conflicts. I am not opposing on you what I believe in, this just makes so much more sense to me. (Please if you wish to know more about it, gladly drop me a comment at the end and I will sort you out with info about it).
Look at what is going on in these areas . .
Now my heart kicked in. My ego was tired of creating fear inside of me, as well knowing that the justice system would most likely fail and take lots of time to get nowhere.
Finding more and more ways and solutions on how to resolve this matter. As my heart did now the main thinking, compassion and understanding emerged. Do not get me wrong, I am always there for the workers and lend a helping hand if I can, even I know it won’t really change the circumstances. But for the now, it has eased the situation.
Am thinking, if I can do that. . .lots of others should be able too? Or maybe not? How many wars do we have going on, how many conflicts especially in the area of Asia, Africa and the Middle East are acute right now?
You know why there are so many conflicts? Because of fear! Fear of not getting enough of the richer, fear of not owning enough land, fear of surviving in general. Now this fear can turn into so many ugly feelings like anger, jealousy, envy etc. Some people would even kill and then others will revenge and so on.
Where and when does it end? With you! With me! In my own yard and own house!
We cannot wait and ask others to change first and make the step. This is what everybody does; therefore there cannot be an end if not one stops.
We need to let go of the fear and allow our heart to think and allow the healing to take place.
Allow our own healing, the healing for our country and ultimately for entire our world.
By starting to make a change within your own heart and allow it to heal, this will eventually have a ripple effect. Maybe not today, but am sure tomorrow.
There is a very true saying: we need to be the change we want to see in the world.
It doesn’t say: be the change but the other one has to start first . . .
I know, I know this world is ruled by politicians and they telling us what and who we are and they deciding for the countries best. But we are not them.
We can let our hearts do the thinking and talking and make the world a better place. It is our world it is our paradise it is our place to dwell on. Yes, I truly believe we can do it. I truly believe we can overcome this and start living the lives each and one of us wants.
So, tomorrow I will go and apologize for my bad choice of words and my anger (as it was fear) and yes I will go and take legal action to set my boundaries and not to create more friction. More, I will get representatives together to find a solution to make a change. A way, that we all understand each other and know from which place we resonating from. Learn to accept and respect others in person and their valuables and opinions.
Tomorrow I am planting a seed for peace and freedom and love. Allow healing in my heart and hoping in other people’s heart. Allow love to rule and let go of fear.
The war tomorrow will stop with me.
You all out there, listen to your heart, let the energy of healing which it is, flow through you and plant with me a seed for a change.
Be patient and loving to yourself and listen to your heart and stop your own war today.
Now it is 11.55pm.
I am thanking you for your time being with me again. Till next time.
Sending you love, light and lightness.
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