Let me explain. We all can see so many things going hair wire, violence, abuse, manipulation, greed, hunger, but just to name a few. Why we do not step up and stop it?
You said what? We cannot?? Sorry why?? Oh, there is a system. Good. Whose and what system? Who is this system serving? Humanity?? Are we agreeing the answer here will be a NO?!
So, why are we allowing so many thing to go “wrong”? Why do we allow to be fed with lies, why do we allow manipulation, why do we allow choices being made FOR us, why do we allow violence and abuse and so on and so forth.
What are we truly afraid of. Why are we silence, even though we feel in our core what is going on is not working anymore on this Earth plane?
Once one is awakening these things become so obvious. One cannot help, but wanting to jump and help and make a change in 20.000 places at the same time.
It puzzles me daily that people are complaining about so many things and yet tending to ignore the fact, that they could make a change, once shaken off the fear?! They would rather ignore and wait for somebody else to take the first step. We still waiting……….
One of my not so favorite topics is this thing with “regulating” herbal medicine. Oh come on please, now somebody is telling me, they are registering the herbal medicine I grew up with, for my own safety. Please!!! Taking away my choice?
What else do we have, oh ja corruption in politics and greed. Now why do we accept that there has to be a certain list to be followed to proof that it is true? And at the end of the day, the person gets off and lots of tax payers money has been wasted. If you would be caught in your company doing the same, BAM you would be out, no questions asked. Branded for life. Wouldn’t you?
Why do we accept to be fed fear. And this on a daily basis. Big time. Yes this place right now is a scary place to live in, but fighting fear with more fear and fighting separation with creating more of it. We not going to get anywhere.
Now imagine, if we all would stand up and fight against crime and violence PEACEFULLY!
If we all would stand up as ONE and say to some leaders: sorry three warnings you out.
What could they do? Nothing.
We can be so powerful and achieving good things for our planet. Just stick together.
As the “dark” can do this with creating fear and keeps the masses controlled, so can we start sticking together as the light we are and do good and make the change.
To make things happen and stand together, we need to break free and start taking in fresh air into our lungs and cells again. Think our own thoughts and take our power back. It is after all a FREE WILL PLANET!
My choices, my life. Listen to your heart and start trusting this guiding voice inside.
At the beginning it might feel odd and people might think you crazy. “Crazy is good
Live your life from your heart and let the warmth of love be your energy fountain.
Life is good and is peaceful we just have to choose it for oneself and for all of us.
Each and one of us has a wonderful gift. Become aware of it and use it. We all need you here to make this happen.
For those already awaken, gather and shine your light and walk your truth.
Those awakening, there is light around you. Trust and you will see it and feel it.
Fear is truly just and illusion.
Now go and grow your voice, speak up and lets stand as ONE. To take our power back and make this world a place where love rules.
Love, light and lightness your way
Diana x
I hear your plea for healing the planet Diana and I know that you are right.
ReplyDeleteYet at the same time I know that each one of us has a spiritual journey to travel which comes with lessons that we contracted to learn prior to our incarnation to this plane. Were we to live in a world, where there is no pain, where suffering did not exist, how would those in need learn the lessons that they so contracted to learn.
Having said this the responsibility for making positive change in the world lies and starts with each one of us.
For those in positions of power, who abuse their power by lauding it over others and for those who are at the other end of the scale and who are subject to the atrocities of abuse, the responsibility to change is theirs too.
In each instance, powerful or not, they are both learning and it is not for us to stand in judgement of them or to prohibit their growth path.
Our role as light-workers is to stand together yes, yet it should be from a stand point of love and light. In this way, without judgement we can effect change in the world moving the energy from negative into a positive stance.
In love and light,
Thank you Diana......To make things happen and stand together, we need to break free and start taking in fresh air into our lungs and cells again. Think our own thoughts and take our power back. It is after all a FREE WILL PLANET!
ReplyDeleteMy choices, my life. Listen to your heart and start trusting this guiding voice inside.
At the beginning it might feel odd and people might think you crazy. “Crazy is good Smile“
Live your life from your heart and let the warmth of love be your energy fountain.
Life is good and is peaceful we just have to choose it for oneself and for all of us.
That resonates so with me at the moment. I've neighbours preparing a shelter for the expected planetary upheavels that comet Elenin is possibly going to cause. I understand they need to do this but I found I could not buy into it....once I made that decision - I found my peace and calm and could get back on spiritual track. So Yes.....we do need to focus on the positve, the beauty, the peace and the love and Light.....when enough of us do stand together in Peace & Love....change will happen.
Hello Stell and hi Amanda,
ReplyDeletethanks so much for your reply. Interesting to see how one piece is perceived differently.
Dear Amanda, by writing this I did not even think of touching ANYBODIES lesson, as this is as you mentioned what we came for. It was merely meant as acall it reminder or wake up call. So perhaps somebody might read it and find: OH yes, now I can see what is going on and make choices for the better. For themselves of course and for us.
Those, who will not be able to graps my words or understand, well. Their choice too.
So should this here trigger one light to start shining ~ YEAH. All good.
Blessings and love your way
D xox