But mostly what I realized what has happened for me the past days was the following (believe me I saw it coming for a while now) I was holding on to so many things. And I was getting lost with little things which are not even worth holding on to. These things were keeping me from being in the moment and in the flow. You can feel you not in the flow when you start breathing a bit more shallow, when you get uptight and stressed. No flow = you keeping it in and blocking up. An emotional and/or energetic constipation. To get this flow going again, you actually need to feel and know that your energy and emotions are stuck. Still then it is a huffing and a chaffing. Let say for me that was and still is.
You know, I think we get stuck when our head and ego gets secretly working again. What I mean by that is, we are not making decisions coming from our heart. Again we have ignored the voice inside and let head lead. And it was a block up. See, when things like this happen you will feel and see it right away. Normally, not me of course. I had to dig and do and only once Source or God (or what ever higher power resonates with you) has kicked my backside to get my out of the goo. Which was, when I phoned the school I wanted my boy to attend and they reasoned due to circumstances they wouldn’t accept him. BAM!!!!! All of the sudden I was light as a feather, I was clear. Just like that. I realized that for days I have been holding on to an idea and it was not right. So let it go!
Further I think for me important was to realize that forgiveness is a big key factor in letting go of old thoughts and ideas. Why I am mentioning forgiveness is, as this thought has been following me the whole day. Each e-mail, conversation, you name it reminded me of: FORGIVENESS. And now that I am looking back, lately I get those flashbacks. You know these ones, when you remember an embarrassing moment? An angry but totally useless action? When you still till today can feel the e-motion?
Exactly these I am getting. Then I take a moment. Feel the feelings again and forgive myself for whatever I did or didn’t do. Smile and say: it is OK, you didn’t know better. Send some love and let it go. Easy peasy! Sometimes if I have to do this more than once, it is depending how much I am (actually ego is) holding on to the issue. So since quite a while now, it is almost like your laptop is doing a security check, my memory is being checked and released. I have to admit too, that often now thoughts are getting processed so quickly that I sometimes cannot even remember what happen yesterday (except it has to do with my boy)
When we embark on our journey we start letting go of all that doesn’t serve us anymore (consciously and unconsciously). Being it old ways of doing things, thinking, work and relationships, you name it. Some things get released easily and some take time. Depending how deeply routed it is, whatever needs to be released. Forgiving and therefore being compassionate makes room for love. So once we know how to forgive ourselves, we let go of heavy stuff and let love take the reign and we will be able to forgive others and love freely.
Sometimes we get pushed hard to get out of certain situations to get going. Often what keeps us back are relationships, animals and worldly goods. To let these go can be sometimes painful and confusing. Eventually when we let go, it is like a rebirth. Growing wings and learning to fly. To be able to manifest and live a life we truly want, we need to be our true essence self. We cannot manifest in somebodies else's life. We will attract the right people to join us, once we are who we are! As we cannot wake those up still sleeping. We cannot make those still asleep, see what we seeing or feel what we feeling. Your life – your journey. Their life – their journey.
Travel lite and don’t worry about anything. Have your dreams in your heart and walk. Have faith, as there might be days when you cannot see nor imagine where you going and your heart is leading you safely where you have to be. Do not worry about a thing and have faith as the TRUE needs will be met. Always. Everything else what ego tells you, you might need are desires. Nothing wrong with it, just for now maybe not what you need?! (whilst I am writing you this . .am preaching to myself).
Let go of the past, do not live in the future. Be in the NOW. Nothing else matters. Create from this space forward and let go what takes you out of your center and balance.
I would like to quote a nutty friend of mine: life is like a song. Sing and dance, it doesn’t matter how many instruments (i.e. dreams/projects) you have to sing the song. As long as you sing! So it is!
Travel light and as always what resonates with you.
Thanks for being with me and till next time.
Am sending you love, light and lightness on your journey.
Diana x
Thanks. This really resonates with what I am going thru right now too. I have been cleaning out the clutter but as soon as I get a truckload out I am unhappy and looking to get rid of more! I hope I will find some peace when I get to were I don't think it is cluttered anymore! Peace!