More often than not, peaceful mass gatherings, to create awareness and stand up for peace and freedom.Yes times are changing, humanity is moving energies.
Even though, still lots of humanity is fast asleep, somehow subconsciously there is an awareness which perhaps cannot be explained by many. They following an instinct, which they not aware of really and supporting the masses. Which of course is pretty great.
But, how much power does this collective consciousness have, you may ask. Does it have power at all?
Let me give you one very interesting example. ONLY MY THOUGHTS!!!!! (and please only what resonates with you). Lets look at the very very old nation of the Jews. Looking back, way back, the Jewish people have always suffered. Look through the history of the world. The most recent and most terrible one was in the big war two. Now lets just follow this thought: has this nation ever broken the cycle of collective suffering. Yes of course other people have implemented the suffering upon them. But what I mean is, as the law of attraction does exist and works, can a whole nation collectively think they suffering and attract it?
Look what has happen in South Africa just yesterday. The information bill has been passed. Meaning, again a government officially hiding and corrupting as the previous one (oh I know this is nothing new for governments) and again most of the African population will stay poor and below minimum existence. Now it is not the white minority ~ this time its the own people. Again a nation has collectively manifested, they are poor and being treated inhumane, being cheated at and it is happening again.
But, how much power does this collective consciousness have, you may ask. Does it have power at all?
Let me give you one very interesting example. ONLY MY THOUGHTS!!!!! (and please only what resonates with you). Lets look at the very very old nation of the Jews. Looking back, way back, the Jewish people have always suffered. Look through the history of the world. The most recent and most terrible one was in the big war two. Now lets just follow this thought: has this nation ever broken the cycle of collective suffering. Yes of course other people have implemented the suffering upon them. But what I mean is, as the law of attraction does exist and works, can a whole nation collectively think they suffering and attract it?
Look what has happen in South Africa just yesterday. The information bill has been passed. Meaning, again a government officially hiding and corrupting as the previous one (oh I know this is nothing new for governments) and again most of the African population will stay poor and below minimum existence. Now it is not the white minority ~ this time its the own people. Again a nation has collectively manifested, they are poor and being treated inhumane, being cheated at and it is happening again.
Can you see what I am getting at?
How powerful this collective consciousness is? Yes, here and there are some which get out of it and walk their own path. Isn’t this an interesting food for thoughts?
My thinking now is, how can one break this vicious circle of repeating it over and over again?
There are so many already awakened and planting and seeding love, but is it enough?
Is it enough to break this cycle of suffering? Or here again do we have to honor those on the journey and let them walk their path. Pray and hope they will see us and our light and love and change their direction?
There are so many already awakened and planting and seeding love, but is it enough?
Is it enough to break this cycle of suffering? Or here again do we have to honor those on the journey and let them walk their path. Pray and hope they will see us and our light and love and change their direction?
Now, if the suffering on a collective conscious level can have such an impact,.
How come we do not get it, that by switching to love and peace and freedom, we would have the same affect? Globally and collectively!! Does this make sense to you?
How come we do not get it, that by switching to love and peace and freedom, we would have the same affect? Globally and collectively!! Does this make sense to you?
We each are a drop and belong to this huge ocean. Each and one of us is important in this game of the big shift. And need to remember, that we are all connected. No matter what you do or not, it has an affect on everybody else. This is where one has to take responsibility for their lives and actions and thoughts. Become aware and live a mindful life.
As we are so much more powerful with our thoughts and actions, than we think. Signing a petition, wearing black, a colored ribbon, recycling etc. has an impact on all of us. It is a tiny deed and yet giving a signal to the Universe, we are connecting with others. We are ONE!
Being aware and not mindful is not picking up your responsibility for your life and ours.
Now all this has been going through my mind for a while and am now putting my intent out, that those cycles of collective suffering will be broken and collectively (I mean ALL) remembering what we came to do.
Love this world to peace!
Love this world to peace!
D xox
picture source: evolvingworld.webs.com
picture source: evolvingworld.webs.com
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