Just a few minutes ago, a very special friend of mine has had coffee with me. I am left with so much love, that I cannot comprehend.
Why this time I am writing about attachments and assumptions is the following: As this has been one of the things I have learned the past few days. Letting go of attachment.
As we all most likely know attachment and assumptions are originating from fear ~ fear yet again is an illusion. But as we have lived it for so long, we THINK that it is real. Which is not.
Attachments come in many forms and shapes. Most common one is the needy and clingy one. We holding so desperately on to things and people, of fear loosing them and leaving an open space within us. Not knowingly (or perhaps we do), that no thing or person, can fill a void within us ~ except us!
Now we sitting here with this overwhelming feeling of not being able to breath, the fear if we do not hold on to the thing or have to phone the person, we not going to be able to survive to some extend.
It is EGO having the hand in the game and sending out thoughts of need and fear. The clingy one.
Than there is the attachment, of building up a total resistance or wall around ourselves and telling ourselves that we do not want love or things which have been freely given to us! Because here, we are projecting our fear upon others. To get hurt or disappointed.
Again the control of an outcome, where we do not have power over.
What an old belief this is. Shame, poor fear.
See, love in its purest form has no attachments and is free. Freely given and freely taken. It is an exchange of energy which happens very naturally and cannot be described with any of the words existing in human terms. Love just …..IS! Always has been and always will be.
Any attachment and meaning we giving it is a label, which ego has a habit of doing.
Sit back, look at it, allow it to be what it is and release yourself and the other person or thing.
Release the need of control, as attachments too is control due to fear.
Love does not control, love just loves. Be free of it and you will see how much lighter you will feel.
Now to assumptions. Am smiling, assumptions I feel are a part of attachment. As we tend to assume, that a person or thing should or should not be. (I SO dislike the word: SHOULD) Because we want to have power/control over the outcome or the thing/person.
Assuming too, is fear controlling something it can not.
The only person you are holding prison is ~ yourself. Prison of the emotions fear ~ which is not existing. Something one has to consciously release. To be set free and set others free.
We need to understand, that by letting go off attachments towards the other person or thing, we releasing our selves into all that is. Allowing ourselves the freedom of loving and love.
Each time to see and realize that it is an attachment or assumption, it is one way closer to who you truly are and are allowing a shift at the same time.
Which is so wonderful and light and so good for you and for me and humanity. As only a shift can occur when you allowing it.
So let go of the holding on to things and giving it meanings, which ego thinks is right.
The true you, knows where to go and knows already everything.
So allow it to fly pass you and you will have one magical moment after the other. Most of all, be surrounded by love ~ ALWAYS!
In love, light and lightness on this magical journey back home
D xox
Nice blog I m a bloger my blog http://helpingchain.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThanks Lovneesh, very interesting blog of yours.
ReplyDeleteMuch love
D xox
So very True Om Shanti Shanti Shanti