Lots has happened since my last blog. The light is making finally very openly its way on this earth plane. Very exciting and very reassuring. It has become liberating to speak up and to change old into new and better. Traumatic events shook the communities with the earthquake in New Zealand and the most recent one in Japan.
These all have to do as well with cycles of life. Yes the most famous ones of course are birth and death and the seven year cycles, just to name two.
What I would like to share with you today are smaller cycles and circles; which are happening on a daily basis. Have you ever looked back at certain events and lesson to be learned and learned?
This is an interesting one. A few days back a friend of mine approached me and told me, she is so excited as the cycle with work and home is coming to an end. And with every end we know – comes a new beginning. I wished her well, but to be honest at first didn’t have a clue what she meant.
Till about two days later it hit me – like a train – right into my face. It was so clear!!!
I am about as well to finish up one of mine. Now you can imagine how excited I am!
Let me explain: Each lesson or lessons you have to learn takes you on a journey and is a cycle. This journey will get you in touch with all you need to learn and remember who you truly are. Means you will meet people and will be in situations which will trigger what you need to release and let go. Yes, perhaps one could as well say you working through your Karma. So of course we are humans and have learned so many things and one of them is – do not listen to your inner voice, do not allow your instinct to guide you nor your heart. Let ego and let brain!!! Yeah. So how much fun is this (please note my underlying sarcasm).
Of course the less one listens to ones inner guidance, the more God (please whichever source resonates with you) will “nudge” you to start remembering. The less you in a way willing to learn and remember the more you will feel the “nudges” as they might be not so gentle anymore.
The lessons stay the same, but your circumstances and peoples faces will change. At first of course one might not be able to see it, till the moment one becomes the director of one owns life. This is the moment, when you start learning and releasing. Depending how deep rooted your lesson is, it might take some time to let go. But it will eventually happen. This would mean your journey is finished and you ending a cycle.
For example you started your journey off in a specific town or suburb, and as you were learning you moved to new places and met new people, but your lesson stayed the same. Once you understood what it was about and released what needed to go, you moved back to the same city or suburb.
THIS is just an example. Each souls journey of course is different.
Now what I am thinking here is that it should be possible in a state of awareness to look at ones life from outside in. Be the observer, see the patterns and shortens on cycle aka journey. As I think too, that we have different journeys in one life time. And perhaps that there could be more than one cycle at the time – overlapping. Almost like in geometric.
So it is very exiting to KNOW what is happening and just allow the flow to carry you to the finish line.
Where you of course pop the champagne to celebrate the end with a new beginning.
I think the most important part is to be gentle, as it is as it is and it takes as long as it takes. And the best part is, it is all in divine order. So – do not stress. It is OK. And you are exactly there where you suppose to be. It is exciting, even if you think at the moment: Man – not again . . .
It is a game it is a journey. Enjoy it, ease up your challenges and find things to be grateful for.
Listen to your heart and as always what resonates with you.
Thanks for your time and till next time.
Am sending you love, light and lightness on your journey
Diana x
Gentleness is such a beautiful art