Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The wonderful and magnificent YOU!

In the whole process of awakening, it was the hardest to discover who I am and makes me tick. Most of all to learn to understand that all starts with myself. The dreams, hopes, loves and the better world we want to live in.
Now there are so many people out there talking about spirituality and changing the world, and am still so often surprised they do not get it, that they first have to clean their own front yard and not look outside for changes.
What I mean by this is, we as humanity have been now following blindly so many things in our lives for eons, that we have to learn to be ourselves. Grow an own voice, own ears and own lives.
For so long it seems to me, we did not have our own identity, and have been handed over our parents baggage and eaten up all we have been served by others. We kept quiet.
It is time now, with the flow of these energies, and awakening of so many others, to start cleaning up ones inner selves and take stock.
Honesty - towards oneself is a rather challenging thing to accept. Just look, when you in an argument and the other person tells you: you have to change . . .
OH do we get mad and offensive??? Me changing? What is wrong with me? You change!! BAM!!
Why we getting so offensive? Why is our ego getting so offensive?
Because it is uncomfortable to look with in and deal with pain? Same old same old is so comfy?

Write down or paint your perfect life, how you want to be, your friends, your kids, your partner and ultimately your world.
Then take stock and start within. YES start with YOU!!! You have forgotten how many outstanding qualities and gifts you have. How much magic there is inside of you. A love just wanting to be discovered and be let free to roam.
YOU, are wonderful and magical being.
Stop looking on the outside to make yourself better, your kids, your friends and your world.
YOU, have it all to make the change for yourself and for us all.

Become aware of, how your unique magnificent light has an impact on your surrounding. Like the drop of water which makes the clear sea ripple.
This awareness is so important for you to make these steps, to become the best you can be.
I cannot give you a receipt on what and how to do things. As I already mentioned, there are a million of us awakening and there are million different stories and ways to be chosen.
You are you, and your journey is yours. Yes please, read, discuss and share as much as you can. But please ~ be aware it is yours alone. This awakening ~ his journey.
Take in the info and let it sink in and resonate with you. Take what is good and leave behind what is not serving you.
The time of walking in the light is here, not tomorrow. NOW
Walking your own path and discerning what is right for you and all of us is so crucial.
There will be lots of distracting information offered, more lies and more fear spread amongst humanity. You have the confidence to see and listen what is your truth. Stay on and walk your truth and be your true self.

I love this life of mine and I love my journey with all that it brings. Some days are sunny and some are rainy. But at the end of the day it is in balance and harmony.
To make this world a better place, to make it to the ultimate shift.
WE need you. This beautiful, perfect and filled with love and light YOU!.
Now I will leave you to take stock, paint your picture and I will see you soon . . . . in our perfect world.

In love, light and lightness


  1. Hi Diana, David here from SA. I'm finally on holiday again after a tough term and still carrying the baggage. A great day today with the grandchildren. Alan, the eldest, who has now become a tall, gentle man arrived from France. We spent the day eating my broccoli and avocado soup, playing by the open fire, and drinking the new season's wine

  2. Yes, the simple joys of life, better than i could have dreamed of in my 20's. It's good to have some time to write and think.
    Firstly, I Don't want to spread myself too thinly, quality over quantity. I'm determined to go slow, slow and deep!
    I better comment about the article before i forget, errrr! Early onset!
    Creator God and also tiny player in my game, vulnerable, blind and hurting. A small puzzle piece in a vast puzzle. What else could i do?? The multiverse infinite is my perfect, always new, always startling, seriously intelligent, ultimately brilliant,mode of self expression in which all posibilities are played out. It is totally serious, playful and is because it just has to be continually beyond previous expectation.

    Yes well! I don't know. I'm finding my way as you are, but in a major sense it is enjoying the fire, the companionship and the wine,thanking those who have gone before for developing and selecting such magnificent vines, improving, evolving.It is more than thanks. gratitude bigtime! And the pink lady apples! Still hanging on the winter trees.

    Keep sharing Diana. I'll keep writing from my own slant, sharing across the miles. Really, spirituality is dead, it's just us now exploring enlessly expanding perspectives on what the fuks going on, with love

  3. My dear David, I agree with your wording and yes this spirituallity has shifted, for me too. Not looking for the outside anymore . .all within~ all within. The ride is fantastic and each challenge might hurt at first, but what a wonderful feeling of an absolute high afterwards.
    Oh one day soon I will be sitting with you by the fire and enjoy a delicious drop of the wine. Am soooo looking forward.
    My dearest David, we might not talk often, rarely rather :) . . but you and the GCM family is always in my heart.
    Enjoy your son.
    Sending you peace and love. . tons of mwahs
    D xox
