Yet again, I am sitting in my favorite little coffee shop and glooming with smiles and happiness. So many things lately crossing my path and I feel so grateful for so many lessons learned and so much release. It is wonderful.
Just a few minutes ago, a very special friend of mine has had coffee with me. I am left with so much love, that I cannot comprehend.
Why this time I am writing about attachments and assumptions is the following: As this has been one of the things I have learned the past few days. Letting go of attachment.
As we all most likely know attachment and assumptions are originating from fear ~ fear yet again is an illusion. But as we have lived it for so long, we THINK that it is real. Which is not.
Attachments come in many forms and shapes. Most common one is the needy and clingy one. We holding so desperately on to things and people, of fear loosing them and leaving an open space within us. Not knowingly (or perhaps we do), that no thing or person, can fill a void within us ~ except us!
Now we sitting here with this overwhelming feeling of not being able to breath, the fear if we do not hold on to the thing or have to phone the person, we not going to be able to survive to some extend.
It is EGO having the hand in the game and sending out thoughts of need and fear. The clingy one.
Than there is the attachment, of building up a total resistance or wall around ourselves and telling ourselves that we do not want love or things which have been freely given to us! Because here, we are projecting our fear upon others. To get hurt or disappointed.
Again the control of an outcome, where we do not have power over.
What an old belief this is. Shame, poor fear.
See, love in its purest form has no attachments and is free. Freely given and freely taken. It is an exchange of energy which happens very naturally and cannot be described with any of the words existing in human terms. Love just …..IS! Always has been and always will be.
Any attachment and meaning we giving it is a label, which ego has a habit of doing.
Sit back, look at it, allow it to be what it is and release yourself and the other person or thing.
Release the need of control, as attachments too is control due to fear.
Love does not control, love just loves. Be free of it and you will see how much lighter you will feel.
Now to assumptions. Am smiling, assumptions I feel are a part of attachment. As we tend to assume, that a person or thing should or should not be. (I SO dislike the word: SHOULD) Because we want to have power/control over the outcome or the thing/person.
Assuming too, is fear controlling something it can not.
The only person you are holding prison is ~ yourself. Prison of the emotions fear ~ which is not existing. Something one has to consciously release. To be set free and set others free.
We need to understand, that by letting go off attachments towards the other person or thing, we releasing our selves into all that is. Allowing ourselves the freedom of loving and love.
Each time to see and realize that it is an attachment or assumption, it is one way closer to who you truly are and are allowing a shift at the same time.
Which is so wonderful and light and so good for you and for me and humanity. As only a shift can occur when you allowing it.
So let go of the holding on to things and giving it meanings, which ego thinks is right.
The true you, knows where to go and knows already everything.
Love is like a butterfly. Wonderful – beautiful and magical. You cannot hold it, as it would die.
So allow it to fly pass you and you will have one magical moment after the other. Most of all, be surrounded by love ~ ALWAYS!
In love, light and lightness on this magical journey back home
D xox
…….this is the question.
When ones asks around: What is love? One might get various replies. And the most amazing thing is, to find out how different people are feeling about this feeling thing: LOVE.
Often it has a physical meaning or a needy one. Coming from a place of fear, not being good enough to love or be loved.
The so called love gets cut off and “taken away” with a break up or an argument. There is no in between.
Either I love you or I don’t.
I would like to drift away from the common understanding of love.
Perhaps lets look at that special love, which starts within one own self and extends to all that is and surrounding us.
It is an acceptance of who we really and truly are. Letting go of old habits and masks, we used to hide behind. Which we thought would define us, so we are able to love and be worthy of love.
This we need to un-learn and learn again, that we are indeed SO able to love and SO worthy of love.
Once the acceptance has kicked in, we become almost like a love-well.
Which overflows and floods all, touching lives with warmth.
What an effect this has on all around us!
You might just experience that others will be afraid of you. Afraid of the purity and love and happiness you will radiate. Afraid, because they will not know it or understand.
Only two thing here can happen, either they will run away as fast as they can OR come closer because they curious and want to be as happy as you are. And this is, what we want. More happy and loving people.
LOVE has so many wonderful side effects. Like being happy, patient, grateful, compassionate, calm and peaceful, just to name a few. And the best part, you cannot overdose!
My most favorite side effect is: compassion!
It gives you so much freedom to love everybody around you, even thought they might not like you and you might not like them in particular. Meaning, one does not have to sit cozy with each and every one on this planet on the couch and sip tea. It will allow, you to get past fear and anger of others. You will forgive so much quicker and easier (btw forgiveness too, is a side effect of love). You are able to allow yourself, to be as you truly are and allow those around you too, to be who they are.
Total freedom and total peace.
With compassion you will be able to help others in need, without being emptied up emotionally by getting involved. If this makes sense.
Love is so much more than hugging and kissing and being held and have a special someone. Which of course everybody wants and yes needs in a way. But please again..not needy.
I have learned to be in love with my self and life. It is the most amazing thing. Each day is an absolute miracle. Bouncy steps and big smiles on my face. If I still have not so good days? OH yes of course, but can easy get pass that, as I know and understand that these not so good days a) shall pass too and b) will be released and the spot refilled with love again.
With love, you actually cannot go anymore eye for an eye, as one attracts only the best in ones lives and further compassion kicks in and one would walk away from certain situations in any case.
Yes it is pure bliss to be in love and to be love.
Is it work? Mmmmhhh yes at the beginning. As it sounds so incredible unbelievable. And one has to un-learn the fear part and learn the love part.
Does love hurt? NO! Never has and never will hurt anybody nor yourself. Who gets hurt is the ego, the old belief system. Ego thinks: one should be hurt when there is no love or has been taken away.
See, love cannot be taken away when one IS love. Yes, a person might not be there anymore to hug and kiss and hold. But by understanding the being unconditional, one releases the other person and oneself, for the highest good of all. As love is not self centered.
With this I will LOVE and leave you. I wish you to find the button to switch into love and feel this amazing vibration and energy.
Did not the Beatles sing long time ago: All we need is love…….
In love and light and lightness on this wonderful journey
D xox
All Rights Reserved By Artist. Copyright Protected 2011 Diana Prins