The Journey Back Home
Friday, November 13, 2015
As it is unfolding - it is what it is
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Waking, working and doing 'shoulds'.
Yet for me it marked a special day. A day, where I have learned that I have to forgive.
This pain of wanting to be let out was strong.
Urging to be acknowledged and be set free. I wanted to be set free.
We all know forgiveness will set you free.
But there is a tiny difference between knowing and understanding.
Knowing is when it is in your head.
Understanding is when it is in your whole being.
But my whole being is light. There is peace and calm.
Mumbling something, we are not a family that forgives.
Tears quietly making their way down my face.
I am strong and I don't show.....
Still don't know what to do, but have found my pain.
I understand now clearly - today.
Tomorrow, I don't know.
To listen and to ask and then to listen some more.
He comes over and over to me: Miami , I love you.
Holding me and saying: It is ok.
I ask: what.
He says: just everything
Forgiveness is taking time and being in the moment.
Forgiveness is loving yourself in this very moment as it is.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
What I wish for 2015
As the old year draws to its close, I have made some notes with regards to manifesting some intents. Am pretty sure lots of others will do the same - rather a common thing.
1. Health for Oliver and I. Of course eating healthier and and and
2. Working on myself. Like self work and help can never stop after one has opened Pandoras Box.
3. Become filthy rich! Well not filthy as such, just mal very rich.
As I sat with a dear friend of mine and shared my thoughts, some old triggers were triggered.
Money does not define who you are and it can change you and too much money will uproot you .....
Am certain you know all the sayings from aware beings with regards to money.
There I sat - silenced. Which is a miracle in itself, if you know me personally.
Pondering, which fear has kept me from following through and succeeding in becoming financially independent ?
Is it my agreement with my mother, that I will never make it?
Is it my fear that I won't be accepted by the 99%?
Will I be a bad person because I belong to the 1%???
Perhaps all of that above and more.
I think due to many agreements of the past and some awareness, I have learned a lot, hopefully shifted a lot too.
Throughout my journey I have met many and plenty spiritual people saying: I can't afford ... with a scent of victim-hood.
Of course not all are like this!
Do we think to reach enlightenment, we need to suffer?
Does living simple mean without money?
Does living a basic rooted life, mean I can't be rich?
Since I left Oliver's father, I learned to trust that there is always enough. I learned to have faith and to ask for help.
I shed my pride .. Lots of it.
I can emphasis with those who do not have and don't know that they can change it. That it is their destiny to suffer.
I can feel those in pain and need.
But one thing I have realized as well is: you don't need to live in the slums and be poor to make a change and be heard.
This too, this dear friend of mine mentioned.
So what is still holding me back? Becoming this super rich person?
Which agreement is hanging on my heel?
Money has become for me a toy. (Some days I forget how to play with it though)
An energy I can call upon and release again.
I have not perfected it - as yet.
But 2015 is the year I am not waiting for others to guide me on this specific path. I am taking ownership and control over it.
No more listening to bake small rolls first ....
My engines are ready to go.
Full blast.
New agreements in the making.
No more holding on, taking and releasing at the same time.
No more guilt!!!
Just a plain understanding, that it is about choices.
There is more than enough for those who want and sadly never enough for those who don't see.
How about you?
Live light and free - it is all there ready waiting.
Love and lightness, see you next year.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The Money thing
All the changes I always wanted in my life, have been manifested and it took me a lot of few moments to see. Changes I wanted to implement and just to BE happy.
What gotten me thinking the most lately is, the various systems we living in.
We all know that these systems are opted out for WANTS – NOW and becoming a slave to money. Society is addicted to all of this. We have been bread towards such a behavior for decades if not centuries. And are now over all surprised, when we look at our children and find the first wake up call and seeing what has happened (so I hope). Like a fine web this structure has been build throughout our lives.
For example, all these in store cards of major retail chains, targeting the masses with the slogan:” you cannot afford to buy, get a card and pay off. “
Now look into your purse and tell me how many cards of these do you have? How many credit cards?
Even with this so called world recession going on, have the banks and retail chains stopped marketing for the masses and underpaid to make these cards attractive?
Lord help me here! January? The worst month of the whole year!!!!
I remember how for several weeks and month the big financial markets have been occupied. Wonderful how so many people pulled together and showed the support.
BUT – actually it starts at home. Like with everything,
This permanent pressure of should and should not. Compromising, true living of ones own life, love and all that is.
Children growing up in a society, where parents both work full time and true love and attention gets replaced with a I-Phone, Wii and more worldly goods. Yes of course this is what kids see and want, as it is shown where ever they go.
Define what your true needs are, everything beyond that, is a want. Then define, if you truly want it now or it can wait (or you just want to have it now to keep up with the Jonses).
Our world society is thriving on making us wanting everything - NOW.
But start reducing those in store cards and credit cards (yes yes I know, you cannot purchase a house or car if your do not have a credit record, well better non than a crap one). Do not give your hard earned money away for silly interest, on clothes you still paying off, which are already last season.
We all need to eat and live. But how is the question. Scale down to the YOU, you are. Those who will not understand, do truly not matter.
YOU need to sleep peacefully at night and not worrying how you will pay rent on an eight room mansion (where you only occupy two of them).
Remember, when we saved money to buy our first bicycle or new clothes?
We do not need to have it all - TODAY! This is where we give our financial power to the banks and corporate.
For me? I will pay off my Woolworths in store card and close the account.
My motto from now on is: if I cannot afford it now, I do not need it.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Bullying ... not only for little people
Now, parents are only humans too and cope with life and deal with what they have learned.
Yes I agree, it seems like HUGE task. But we can do and make changes. Tiny steps can do wonders.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Love Day
Yes!!! I am now surrounded by peace and love. Have had one Valentines smooch (blush) already! tHAHAHA, it can only get better from here onwards!!!
Yesterday I had an emotional wobble and ultimately fall out with my soon to be ex husband. Well, I have made a case against him for assaulting me and have been yesterday subpoena to appear in court on the 01 March 2012. Lord, I was afraid!! I was angry of fear. Then in this emotion I have phoned my ex and just lashed out. Not that he did not deserve it, but it was an energy not worth dwelling upon. I know then and I know now!
Till just recently I have found out, that as a kid I have been taught, that pain is my sign of love. So I phoned my ex, to get my dose of "love". Needy love! This one is a rough one for me.Lots of work and lots of deep work!
So still, even after now good six month of moving out, there are days, when I go back and get my dose of "pain love".
How many of us are actually thinking that we need somebody or something to make us whole. To love us, so that we can love? Finding always the need to create certain situations and finding people to make us feel the way we felt when we were little. Is this truth still true? Or can we now rewrite it?
Everything which is vibrating and originating from an unhealthy need, I feel is ...NO GOOD!

We do not need atrificial aproval of love. We do not need pain to feel loved. No more bad words.
So if you are somehow, seeing yourself and being aware that similar is happening to you - it is ok!
And this too shall pass .... LOL
Honestly, the moment you are aware that it is happening, it is ok. You are ahead already and can learn to change the need of the needy love.
Being on this journey is wonderful and some days frustrating. As I can see and am feeling helpless that it is returning again and that I have re-acted, instead of acted.
Be gentle to yourself as I am to myself. After all, it is Valentins day - - one of 365 Valentins days this year.
Love does, what love does best ~~~~ LOVE!
Have an AWEsome day, I love you and I love me
D xox
Monday, February 13, 2012
Moments that matter
what a few days it has been since Friday afternoon.
My kitty Sally was very ill, of chronic kidney failure and was on her way to leave this lifetime. So my son and I went on Friday afternoon to neighbouring village and gotten the: "letting go" remedy from a holistic vet. This remedy would help Sally to let go and pass peacefully.
By 2pm that Saturday she passed.
My son of five told me several times: Mami, it is ok. You can cry. But Sally is now fine and playing with Harry and the rabbit.
Why I am sharing this is: to enjoy the moments and appreciate the beings crossing your path and traveling with you.
Even though I found, we all KNOW to be in the NOW and the moment. We are more than often not, getting in-tangled in "shoulds" and buying just another five minutes of what we think (or others think) we have to do or think.
I have found now, that since Sally was sick and dying, that I became more mindful about what matters. Started DOING and saying things that are truly me. AUTHENTIC.
LOL even am learning to play again with my boy .... Lego! Often in the pace of society (not life) we forget not only what truly matters, we even forget how to be in the moment and how it is done. Just like playing for example.
So today, I wished that I have taken more time out to cuddle with Sally, which has taken so excellent care of me emotionally. With such unconditional love. Today I wished, that I would have not said so often to my son: go and play, I am busy..give me five more minutes. But it is in the past now. Nothing I can make unhappen or change.
Today I understand, that no matter what - it is always possible to just stop and take time out to make matters and moments count. Nothing else actually is important, than these moments. Enriching our lives, filling us up with love, gratitude and appreciation.
Oh and one on the side, Universe is helping me in re-learning and being in the moment. At our new house, I do not have internet right now ... so lets cuddle and play and go to the beach.
Have an AWesome day and feel the moments
D xox