It has been a while, since I have written and expressed myself here.
Lots has happened and still happening. Shifting and changes are on a daily occurrence right now.
All these odd emotions, which I thought I have dealt with, coming up again and again and again.
Sigh.... well, I have learned to take it as it is and stay as much as I can in the flow and release deeper and deeper.
Now, I have had the urgency to change the way I am writing this blog. It will be from now on a voice from me, my journey and messages. Kind of a diary on where I am at and where I am going and if I am going.
So many writings exist already on gratitude, love, forgiveness etc. that I feel, I would like to take you with, on my journey. Perhaps, you will find some value in it for yourself and maybe it will give you some answers on your journey. As ultimately what I feel it is about: to remember who we are and become our true self. And this is LOVE and returning home to Source/God! As ONE!
As you most likely know or not, I used to live in an abusive marriage for six years. Last year my son and I moved out. I had enough courage and strength, to leave. Even though seeing and understanding, that the past is about learning and letting go, it is still a process and challenge. Almost daily.
Being positive and understanding the Law of Attraction (lets say most of the time),gets me often into a state of frustration. Frustrated that it is not quick enough, that it still hurts and I am still attached to some old lessons. Man oh man, those days I can jump up and down the walls and be so ... human?!
By allowing and reminding myself to be in the flow of things, I can see things start happening for me. Good things, falling into place almost all by itself.
My son and I, have moved house past weekend. He has chosen the house and to be honest, I am happy that I did trust his instinct. It is surrounded by pine trees and I can hear the sea far away.
Actually, magic you will have, where ever you want it to be.
Will leave you for now, as I want to write some more about what has happened yesterday at a counseling session. Very very interesting indeed.
Am wishing you a wonderful day and sending you love and abundance
Diana xox
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