Lately it seems so in my face with people not being honest.
See, previously I got very offended and hurt when people lied to me. How can a person break my trust and do this to me. It took me years and years of growth and learning to understand, they not lying to me, they lying to themselves.
Honesty is a HUGE challenge. When you start waking up and start releasing of all that is not good and old – one has to be honest to be able to release it. Accept what is and then allow a change to happen. Being honest in this process can be painful. A pain which then can heal and not leave scars.
Not being honest is disabling you, to become the true you. The you which is waiting to emerge.
I do understand that to being dis-honest towards oneself or others, is originating from fear.
Fear of being caught, fear of not being loved, fear of hurting somebody with a respond and and and.
This fear thing is an absolute illusion, we just think it is real. But it is not.
Let say for example: somebody is asking you for financial help and is truly desperate. You are giving either odd answers to buy time or not responding at all. Because you don’t have the money or don’t want to help.
What does it show you? Yes you do not want to hurt the other person.
In actual fact you do so much more and you hurt yourself too.
A) you will feel uncomfortable because you did not reply
B) you are disabling the other party by cheating him/her of the true answer and therefore lesson
You have further cheated yourself out of the responsibility to take charge of your life. You let it slide.
Being responsible is a cool thing to do. Fear and not taking charge of your life aka not being responsible is backing out, is an illusion. We have been brought up with living a lie and allowing others to take charge of our lives. For so many years and decades.
NOW the time is right to let go of all these illusions and fear. We living in great times, times of the great shift and release of old belief systems.
Take charge and BE responsible for your life and your creation, it is a good thing. It is fun
Be honest. For your sake, as it will help you to grow. For others, as you change, so will those around you too. The Law Of Attraction!
Be honest and see the signs and accept the signs, when things start going a bit hair wire and change directions. Do not carry on, on the path which eventually will take you down.
Honesty, honesty and some more honesty.
My wish for today? That you will find the strength to be honest towards yourself and take your life into your hands. Be responsible. This of course as well for lots of the politicians and those holding the “power” in their hands.
In love, light and lightness
D xox