I should now get upset? or: I used to get upset now?
This is a very good state to be in. You asking why? As perhaps consciously or subconsciously you are in a state of balance and yes good on your way of being aware of your true self.
See, when one is asleep aka not aware what is going on, one is re-acting instead of acting. Emotions run wild and one attracts more of the same old same old, because 1) it is comfortable even though it is painful (even not perceived as such) and 2) it is a habit. YES a wonderful habit of reacting. And how annoying is that!
Now when one starts releasing old believe systems and pains, and increasingly is in a state of joy and happiness, it gets scary. Scary not because of woohoo, because one is not use to just BEing and just all is ok. Despite perhaps things in closer range should make one freak out and behave like the “old” maniac. One stays for more and more moments in: it is ok as it is and I deal with it as it comes.
THESE moments are so precious. One ACTS out of a space of true self-awareness and out of this new opportunities and solutions occur.
Often feelings of guilty and why do I feel now so good and am just relaxed where I should be unhappy or angry etc..
Believe me, when you in the state of just BE, this great state of being on a high ~ somebody with a dark cloud hanging over your head will try to get you down.
DO NOT again DO NOT feel guilty. YOU are HAPPY. Happiness is a choice and on this journey sometimes hard work.
But as we have been living for eons in an unaware state, fear and all its emotions have become second nature to us. The days and years we have been told this is how you have to feel and do and think. We thought it is us! Sorry to disappoint you there, it is not us. Perhaps it has in a way shaped us for who we are right now, but it is not our true us.
All this screaming and shouting and kicking and and and have become a bad habit. To let them go might take a day or two (or years . . in my case LOL)
Choose to be happy and in peace and choose to let go of the habits of the past involving fear and what comes with it. It is your birthright!!!
Now for example you leaving a relationship which has not served you in a long time. It doesn’t have to be in right or wrong and bad words and feelings just because million of other relationships ended like this. YOU choose. If the other person thinks being calm and collected about the break up means another chance – their stuff. Not yours. Speak clear and calm and kind, from your place from within.
Let go of this bad habits of feeling guilty when you actually at peace. One habit and step at the time.
Am wishing you well and be kind to yourself
Love and light and lightness on this wonderful journey
Diana x
PS: of course as always as it resonates with you